View Full Version : How long do anxiety symptoms usually last?

30-11-12, 02:10
So I've been anxiety free for 5 days and all though I've still been stressed, it''s no where near as bad, like on a scale of 1-10 I was about 8 or 9 and now I'm like 2 or3.
I keep getting shooting pains and zaps all over my body, especially the bottom of my stomach.
Getting chills and ringing ears aswell.
How long do anxiety (physical) symptoms take to clear?
I had the throat fullness feeling for about a week after my last anxiety madness, so hopefully this is the same.

30-11-12, 02:22
Hi Reiss,
My anx symptoms can go on for days and weeks.
It is though different for everybody. Andrenaline can give all these feelings to us, but we can also ignore them ans it all eill go away faster.
Th sideeffects are combination of some phisical changes and also increased by your anxiety and anticipation.
Try to grt distracted, and it will go away fater.
Take care

30-11-12, 06:02
How lomg is a piece of rope ?

All of us are different and have varying problems/symptoms.

I say two steps forward and one back,is a start.

30-11-12, 12:57
One of the most crucial aspects of recovery is your reaction to each new symptom and ailment in my experience.

For me, if I sit there are concern myself over todays niggle then it'll stay there. If I try and think about something else, go for a walk, meditate etc it either goes away or doesn't concern me any more.

The best thing I learnt in my CBT course was 'so what'. I've got a pain, so what? I'm dizzy, so what?

None of it can hurt you (assuming you've been to the GP and been told it's just anxiety).

The reality is it can go on for months or years if you don't get your head in the right place. Just let it happen and remind yourself it's not really anything that can hurt you, it just feels like poo. :)

30-11-12, 13:10
Well I hope I'm okay health wise haha
I'm eating okay (only just started eating again)
I am just concerned because the shooting pains/zaps seem to be coming from lymph node areas, but I don't know if it's where i've been pushing them and touching them so much recently or it's where I based my anxiety around those areas for so long, sort of when you think somethings going to happen/hurt and eventually it will.
I have no fever, swellings, night sweats, loss of appetite or loss of energy.
I'm actually very healthy, just shooting pains :(
Lymphoma is apparently very quiet at attacking, so I doubt it's that and I'm sure at this point if all my lymph nodes were involved, I'd be a lot more ill haha

---------- Post added at 13:10 ---------- Previous post was at 13:09 ----------

When I found out earache was a symptom of throat cancer, I got earache and that's only just gone after 3 months!
So I'm blaming it on stress, If I'm dead then I'm dead!

14-02-18, 16:11
Hi I’m new here and for many many years I’ve been told I have anxiety and I’ve had some new symptoms lately numb tongue left side of my lip and tingling down left arm and dizziness I’ve been to the doctors and they have said they can’t find anything wrong I was wondering what your symptoms are and how long they last as I’m very very worried 🙂

14-02-18, 17:56
Hi I’m new here and for many many years I’ve been told I have anxiety and I’ve had some new symptoms lately numb tongue left side of my lip and tingling down left arm and dizziness I’ve been to the doctors and they have said they can’t find anything wrong I was wondering what your symptoms are and how long they last as I’m very very worried 🙂

I have tingling/numbness in my left arm and cheek as a physical symptom. Sometimes I get left shoulder pain for a few days, left neck pain also. Most recently left jaw pain one day, then the next it was both sides. All anxiety. I’ve read the symptoms (the red links at the top of the forum page) and they are all there. I had a physical and for my postpartum baby weight still hanging around the middle, every lab came back beautifully. I’m healthy, just need to lose the baby weight. My heart is good. I keep telling myself that. It’s just anxiety. I won’t lie, I fully panicked over the jaw thinking there is no way and I’m missing heart attack symptoms. February being heart month there are a lot of advertisements for random symptoms being heart attacks, that just fuels the fire.
I spent less time where I would hear advertisements. Started walking and yoga more. Made sure I was eating good proteins-I wasn’t hungry so I wasn’t eating much and I just spiraled downward. Then started meditating, day 14 of that. I’m going to bed a little earlier and using the Calm app for sleep stories to calm me while I’m settling into bed. Distraction, while it’s hard sometimes, is he best way. A good book, a favorite non caffeinated beverage (caffeine and sweets make things worse), and you’re favorite cozy spot, that’s my favorite distraction. Movies are good too, lunch or dinner with friends, group exercise activities, crafting, etc. When your mind wonders to your anxiety or a symptom, acknowledge the thought by saying “It’s my anxiety and I’m okay.” Then get right back to what you were doing. Give yourself grace and be gentle with yourself. It’s okay to panic and to be afraid, we’re all hear learning tips an tricks to manage it.

14-02-18, 18:00
Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Positive thoughts

14-02-18, 18:15
my worst symptom lasted 9 weeks! The more I feared it, the longer it stayed.