View Full Version : Pain in face when burping!

30-11-12, 10:43
I haven't been on her for a few months but having a bad time at moment.

I have been having attacks of facial pain over last 6 weeks. It only last a few seconds but its really weird, I get a feeling as if I am gong to burp, then a sharp pain just under my jaw joint on left side then I burp and pain goes. I do not normally burp so the burping and face pain not normal for me. I also feel as if I am being strangled or my throat is very tight.

My GP is on holiday , saw a locum who said no idea it could be trigeminal neuralgia and gave me a info sheet to read which scared me as it said that rarely trigemnal neuralgia can be caused by tumours and skull abmornalities.

I have another appt today with another permanent gp at practise to discuss further but I am sure he will just shrug his shoulders when I say about the conbination of burping and face pain.

So far I have diagnosed myself with brain tumour or skull tumour and then stomach cancer from all the burping ( I once read that this can be early sigh of stomach cancer!!) . I'm not sure if I will have the courage to admit all these fears to the GP!!!!!

30-11-12, 17:28
I wasn't expecting any replies as this is such a weird syptom but just thought I would update you on my GP visit.

Thankfully Gp was very very interested and took me seriously - he said it was really bizarre and the only nerve he could think of that runs through whole body is vagus nerve, he said he would contact the neurolgist asking for his opinion as he said a neuro might have come accross this before. I asmitted my health anxiety about it being something nasty and he was very complimentary about my knowing myself and being honest and he said he personally didn't think it was from a serious cause but it was obviously very unpleasant and painful.

It could be a week or so before he gets a reply from neuro but at least someone has taken me seriously and is asking the expert.

30-11-12, 18:35
Countrygirl, have missed you and I am sorry to hear of such a perplexing symptom and I do hope that you get a satisfactory explanation from the doctor, but I was going to suggest that it was a nerve pain caused by the burping. I have a tongue problem at the moment and I get neck and ear pain radiating from the site, which is not harmful in itself, and once I have my operation it will disappear. I know it is not the same as yours but I hope it helps to know about referred pain. Welcome back.

18-06-16, 18:24
Just wanted to ask if there have been further developments with this situation. In hopes of finding causes and cures. I'm going through it now, and it's quickly destroying my life. Any input and replies are much appreciated. I have many Dr's that seem to be clueless. Thank you.

18-06-16, 21:03
I have messaged you. It was diagnosed as glossopharangeal neuralgia. Had brain mri and no compression of the nerve by blood vessel was found. thankfully my attacks were short lived and stopped.