View Full Version : how long im on day 8

30-11-12, 11:03
been on 20mg of fluox for 8 day felling very shaky in the morning and then fellin fine by afternoon with xmas on its way im worrid im not gona feel any betta i ave 3 young childern and just want to feel normal again :weep: when do they usally start to take affect

30-11-12, 11:15
Hey Leanne

Shakiness and jelly legs are quite a common side effect and one I share with yourself. In the morning I feel weird and shaky and generally a bit better later on in the day though I have a bit of a tremor on them.

Well took me about 3-4 weeks for the bad morning side effects to lessen though I am about to go up in dose so I expect they will return :/

Fluoxetine is quite a slow SSRI to work compared to others such as Sertraline and Paroxatine. Prozac can take 6-8 weeks in most cases before they start to make a noticeable difference thoguh I started to see some small benefit at about week 4.

Hang in there and persevere, the psychological effects for me were the most distressing but it's all about settling on the meds :)

Good luck and keep us informed!

Nathan :)

30-11-12, 12:33
thanks nathan its nice to know im not alone.x

30-11-12, 15:04
You are not alone on the fluoxetine journey :)

Sending you hugs:hugs:

Fluoxetine takes a long time to work...