View Full Version : Feeling down today :(

30-11-12, 11:45
I feel like the Duke of York's ten thousand men...one day I am up the next I am down! The last few days have been great, I felt 'myself' again, positive and confident. I only had 3 hours sleep last night, really tired. My youngest son just called me to tell me he has a meeting this afternoon and maybe going to Uganda to do some work. No I didn't google Uganda but I did look on the foreign and Commonwealth office advise for travel in Uganda and that has panicked me. He may not even be going yet! I worry about him in Leeds so how will I cope if he is in Uganda?! On a positive I did manage to get tickets today to see Mrs Brown's boys next June :) (I am used to writing school reports, I always have to give a positive even with the most difficult child!). Sorry about my moan today, but it is just one of those days when I need a hug.

30-11-12, 11:51
All moans/rants acceptable!!! - if my son told me he was going to Uganda i would go into meltdown - I worry bout my kids I dread to think what I'm gonna be like when they grow up!! Hugs attached :bighug1::hugs::bighug1:

30-11-12, 12:15
He is my youngest, 22. They don't realise how much worry they put us through. Last year my daughter was in South America and while there she cycled down the most dangerous road in the world in El Paz. I knew she was doing it but didn't know which day so was relieved when I found out it was over with and she was safe! I worry so much about them. If I know they are out on a night I can't sleep until they text to say they are home. (They try to avoid telling me anything until after the event!).

30-11-12, 12:17
sorry to hear you're feeling down today, annie. life's ups & downs are really challenging arent they - a right pain in the unmentionable. I totally understand why you'd be concerned about your son..... Uganda wouldnt be a destination i'd pick (I'm not keen on foreign places) though I have been abroad but only to what I suppose would be "run of the mill" places....
I'm so glad u didn't google Uganda .... also I've learned not to worry about something until it becomes a reality. Of cousre it's going to be a concern for you but (as i'm sure you know) try not to get too wound up til it's certain. You'll be kicking yourself for worrying if it doesnt transpire, all that effort you could have put into something more constructive - Like looking after yoursef!!
That's pretty cool though getting those tickets.... good for you. Oh and I dont think you were moaning at all, what you did was share a concern. Any friend would be glad to share your concerns & I'm sure everyone on here will be glad lend a "listening ear" & send you HUGS and comfort. After all, you are always saying nice, kind and supportive things to people on here..... so it's the least I can do to repay that kindness & try & make you feel better.

30-11-12, 12:33
Tessar Thank you so much for those kind and thoughtful words. I know I shouldn't be worrying yet until I know for sure. When my son was 16 he flew to France on his own for a week and I was so ill with anxiety all week, I didn't even make it downstairs! I think I have learnt to cope with it better since then and wasn't too bad when he went to Thailand for a month. (apart from my lectures to him about keeping his bags locked and not letting them out of his sight in case anyone put drugs in and he ended in jail like Bridget Jones!).

30-11-12, 14:57
Hope your feeling a bit better today Annie, I know how you feel. We are all a bit up and down at the moment aren't we? :roflmao:
Your son seems really confident and independent! Sounds like someone you will really rely on later in life.

30-11-12, 15:12
Thank you pancho, yes it has been an up and down week for us all :D. My son is lovely Pancho, so loving and caring. He is considering going to the orphanages in Uganda, I guess I will find out later today.

30-11-12, 15:26
I can see where he gets it from :)

30-11-12, 15:55
Aww Thank you Pancho, that is a lovely thing to say :)

---------- Post added at 15:55 ---------- Previous post was at 15:30 ----------

Okay! I just got the phone call :( He is going to Uganda but not until next August and only for one month. I will try to put it out of my mind for a while (don't know if that is possible!).

30-11-12, 16:22
Aww Annie.. I get you completely :)

But just think what an experience he will have and what a wondeful thing to do :D Be proud of him.. he's a credit to you and lovely hubby :hugs:x

30-11-12, 16:24
I know he is MissH, I love him to bits he is such a lovely boy (Well I guess he is a man but he will always be my little boy :) ) Off to my docs appointment now x

30-11-12, 16:39
Annie, you are such a great mom! Such a loving caring person.:hugs:I get the same way, my daughter got married in March, and she lives 3-4 hrs. away depending on traffic, she gets in that car with her little dog, and makes the trip back home alone. I am sick until she arrives. (I can't even drive around the corner) It just proves to us, what wonderful strong children we have raised. Your children sound as lovely as you.:hugs:Good job Annie
How is your daughter feeling? Better I hope.

30-11-12, 17:00
it's really lovely to see all this positive family stuff going on here annie. its so good to read about a family success story. you're definitely a good mum & your children a credit to you.
oh well, so he will be going to in Uganda but what an amazing thing to do -going to orphanages. i doubt i'd get to uganda let alone do that. sounds to me like he's been brought up to be confident & that's down to his upbringing.

30-11-12, 17:43
Thank you Debbi and Tessar, my daughter is feeling well again. I have been to the doctors tonight as my sick note runs out on Monday. I was expecting to be going back to work on a phased return next week but my doctor will not allow it. He wrote a note for 6 weeks and said he will review it again then. He suggested I call in at work though to see my colleagues and to get used to the environment again. I asked why am i so anxious since I have been married to my husband when I have had so much trauma in my past and should be so happy now. He said that the time he has seen me the most confident and strongest has been the times that my husband had his heart attacks and when he had his prostate operation. Meaning that I am strong when I have to be and that is why I was so much stronger in my first marriage, because I had to be.

30-11-12, 18:54
sooo true annie, and as for worrying about kids, you will never stop totally, i used to poo hoo my dad when he used to worry about me and was sat in the chair waiting whatever time i rolled in, he used to say, "you,ll understand one day", oh, n , how right he was eh, when my children were at home i was just the same, and, i never got to sleep till all three of them were home and safely tucked up in bed, on their sides may i add, so that they don,t vomit n drown :scared15:, and now even though thet not here anymore if i know they,re out i worry myself sick still, so, like yours they try not to tell me till afterwards,lol, they,re all good kids though so must have done something right eh???,lol
karen xxx

30-11-12, 19:03
Karen, you sound just like me and I keep saying to mine "You'll understand when you are a parent!" :D x