View Full Version : Peripheral vision worry...:(

30-11-12, 11:53
Hello again,
I've stayed away from this forum lately because I've been doing better. My biggest worry has been weakness in my left side, which lately feels better. Another issue I've had is vision problems/headaches and now I'm much more focused on that. This is what I'm experiencing:

1. The last few days I'm having a strange feeling on the right side of my head, around the eye. Kind of slight pain and maybe slight numb...not sure how to describe it.

2. The right eye itself feels different from the left, probably related with the above issue.

3.The peripheral vision of the right eye doesn't seem normal. The test I'm doing is the following: I close the left eye and "take notice" of the field of vision that goes off. Then close the right eye and try to see the "field of vision" that can be seen only with the left eye. I repeat the same with the right eye. What I notice is that I can see better with my left than with my right eye. If there's something written in the "left eye only" field of vision I can read it, however if it's on the "right eye only" I have some trouble especially if it's in the far right angle.

From what I've read peripheral vision issues are a BIG alarm...they could mean BT or MS...and I don't know if there can be other less serious issues causing them :(

If anyone has experience with similar issues please reply.


30-11-12, 16:36
No one? :(

Forgot to mention that I'm having tooth pain in the right side also...don't know if that can cause this issue...

01-12-12, 02:15
Wow you sound so much like me when I am anxious! Every single day usually around evening time I get that feeling around the right or left side of my lip it differs every day I know what u mean about the numb feeling but if u think about it, it actually feels swollen more than numb! I used to describe it as more of a numb feeling too! I also have a problem with my tooth that infer chronic pain in some days so therefore I think it could be related to tooth nerves and anxiety all mixed in! I can't help u with your vision though I'm afraid as my vision is generally poor anyway maybe a trip to the optician and the dentist are in order :) hope this helps!