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View Full Version : Lymphnodes, Thyroids and all that Jazz

30-11-12, 14:35
So, yeah, hello to everyone, I'm brand spanking new around here. Initially joined because of immediate concerns, but also because you guys all seem to be speaking a similar internal language to me.

My concerns at the moment involve my neck. I went to the Doctor’s today concerning a small lump in my upper neck. Four weeks ago the Doctor figured was an enlarged lymph node and told me to observe it and come back if it didn't change or got bigger. It didn't change, so I went back and ended up with a different doctor. She was really good about it, and did all the checks to help rule out my fears...

The first thing I did was confess that I’d done that most stupid of things: I googled it. Repeatedly :doh:. And told her what the google searches seemed to insist it was, namely all the Lymphomas. She agreed with me that such websites really need to go because all they do is cause panic.

Headaches? Are probably due to my being anxious about it. The itching I’ve been getting? Well if it’s NOT the fact we just changed our washing liquid to a brand with quite a bit of febreeze in it, then it’s probably the case that I’ve been IMAGINING the symptom because I googled it. The body can persuade itself of itching anyway, without any assistance from google (sorry for any itching I just caused). Yet I remained concerned.

She thinks it feels like a cyst, but can’t be sure, so I’m being put in for a blood test Wednesday next week, and a scan appt which will be sent through the post. I have been told (with admittedly, a tiny bit of pushing from me) that this is completely routine. It’s been there for four weeks, I‘m tired a lot, and I’ve lost weight, so I get the scan and the blood test. It does NOT mean I have cancer. She reckons if it's not a cyst, then it’s more likely to be to do with my thyroid than my lymph nodes. If a biopsy is required afterwards, it will be done.

I have sworn off googling it. In theory.

I mean, I still feel very silly for worrying about this. I’m twenty five years old, not overweight, don’t smoke, don’t drink; I don't have a great diet (I don't eat enough, and eat the wrong things when I do), but that can be fixed, and no history of ANY of the diseases I’m worried about in the family. The odds are overwhelmingly in my favour... But none of that has stopped my brain for ten years, and isn't helping now. For some reason I'm still terrified it's going to turn out to be one of the big ones - thyroid cancer or lymphoma or something. What if I still have one of the big ones? I mean there's that one branch of thyroid (aplastic, I think? Not sure) that leaves you with something like only six months! :scared15: (Notice that that's the one I'm drawn to, not the three other, very easily treatable ones.)

Anyway I'm looking to see if others have had similar concerns and if there's anything I can do about it. :weep:

Thanks everyone. Hugs to you. :bighug1: (<--best emoticon ever.)

30-11-12, 17:39
Hi and welcome to the forum. I post regularly about lymph nodes and am probably repeating myself in this post, but I share your fears. I have been going to the GP for months regarding 3 lymph nodes behind ear and 2 in groin and also 2 back of neck. I have been assured they are not sinister and had a blood test which apparently has ruled out lymphoma ( assuming this was a full blood count but not sure). I have mentioned cancer to the GP loads of times, but they do not seem concerned and I suppose this has got to be reassuring.
As I have severe HA, I am impossible to convince I am not dying from some deadly disease and while they are still swollen find it hard to stop thinking about them
As you probably know googling is the worst thing you can do, it is much better to just ask your doctor . :hugs:

---------- Post added at 17:39 ---------- Previous post was at 17:36 ----------

Good luck with your scan , hopefully you will feel more reassured after it

30-11-12, 18:26
Thanks for the welcome Alma :) The thimngs to descripe happeningin your head are definitely similar to what I go through.

I was lucky today to see a nice doctor who took me seriously without making me feel worse. It feels good to know something is going to be done, and I know the odds are, as I said very in my favour that this will turn out to be absolutely nothing.

It's just that doesn't seem to matter to my brain :weep: It keeps convincing itself the worst case scenario is the only possibility (we have this joke in the family about me always ending up in small minorities. Like, if there's a slim chance of something it will happen to me, unless of course it's something good like winning the lottery or something...)

30-11-12, 18:37
Yes me too, I never have a minor illness, it always (in my head) has to be something deadly. Like you say, good you had a understanding doctor, it always makes it easier. The doctor does not sound too concerned about your symptoms so that sounds reassuring. I had an ultrasound on a weird lump on collar bone a few weeks ago, I had spent weeks worrying it was a tumour (which had spread from colon). I was nearly crying with fright during the scan, it turned out to be nothing at all rather strangely , and was put down to imflammation on my collar bone. I was seriously relieved, that is until I started worrying about my next symptom. Take care :)

30-11-12, 23:05
Thanks. I'll do my best to try and calm down, have to wait five days for a test anyway :unsure:

It seems that scans are done for a lot of things, really...

01-12-12, 19:14
i hate lymph nodes, i can feel the buggers everywhere and they are the main and probably only reason i worry. i can feel them in the neck groin and arm pits. ive stopped checking because i swear everytime i do i find new ones! my doctor isnt concerned so i just try to put it to the back of my mind.

01-12-12, 19:55
Believe me, I sympathise, Gman :weep: Now I'm imagining my throat 'feels weird' when it's probably just my imagination...

I mean, in the throat under the chin, above the bit where the throat gets all lumpy (wait, that's the bone/cartilidge underneath, right?) ...there's this lumpy bit you can feel if you push in a bit? It has the pulse under it?

That's SUPPOSED to be there, right? :shrug:

05-12-12, 22:42
Well I had my blood test today (now comes the waiting game) :whistles: and found out that the lump probably really IS a cyst - it fits the profile of one.

I am a bit worried though because now it's started hurting - I've been poking at it (and the rest of my neck) quite a lot, and I think I've gone and made the cyst tender, it's not as movable as it was and the rest of my neck aches a bit. I worry I might have gotten the cyst infected, or just damaged my neck in general by poking it :doh:.

I have an ultrasound scan coming up on the tenth. Should I mention this when I go in?

06-12-12, 06:52
Hi there
I can relate to your post, I have an ongoing issue with swollen lymph nodes I went to have a scan on one behind my left ear only for the doctor to find more swollen in my neck!

Had a rescan last week still swollen but haven't grown and had blood test yesterday. Now waiting for results, I will be so shocked if they come back normal I am pretty sure it is impossible that they will :(

Good news for you is that they think its a cyst that is a good thing :-)

08-12-12, 00:42
Know how you feel, Kirstynic! Hope everything comes out good for you. :hugs:

Seems my own blood tests have come back completely normal when I was sure they wouldn't either, just the scan to go... I wonder what was causing my thyroid swelling, then? :shrug:

08-12-12, 07:25
Yay glad your blood tests were normal :-)
Mine were as predicted not normal however it's something I have not heard if before small red blood cells?! Got to have another blood test. Tho still not feeling happy with things as new symptoms to add to my list :( painful right breast and weird groin pain on my left especially when walking?!

09-12-12, 03:08
Yay glad your blood tests were normal :-)
Mine were as predicted not normal however it's something I have not heard if before small red blood cells?! Got to have another blood test. Tho still not feeling happy with things as new symptoms to add to my list :( painful right breast and weird groin pain on my left especially when walking?!

Darn :( Sorry about that, but.... I feel hypocritical saying it's probably nothing to worry about because I'm STILL worrying even now, but at least you're getting a second test and hopefully that will clear things up for you. :hugs:

I actually often get pain in one breast or the other - just sharp stabbing ones that leave as quickly as they appeared. If it's anything like that then I think it's probably normal...

09-12-12, 08:22
Well my doctor didn't seemed concerned about my blood results but of course I googled and well cancer came up as always :(

My breast pain is weird sorta tender to the touch but I haven't helped this by pushing at it :( actually tempted just to let all this lie till after Christmas don't want bad news before then

10-12-12, 20:45
Hello Kirstynic

I wanted to tell you some advice given to me by a doctor in a breast care clinic when I was there for a painful breast (one sided). She told me that breast pain was sooooo unlikely to be caused by cancer without a significantly larg lump because you only get pain when it has grown beyond the boundaries of normal tissue. My pain was due to ageing glands (just what you want to hear when you have just turned 40!) and she was so confident about her diagnosis that I immediately had my mind put at rest.

I had a breast lump removed when I was your age. I didn't check my breasts regularly because they were very small and 'gland-y' and I thought I wouldn't feel the difference, but I DID feel a difference it was rock hard, immovable and almost had a sharp edge to touch. It was a sizeable fibroadenoma which cold have turned nasty in the future so I am very glad I had it removed. If you do have a cyst please be reassured you will be seen promptly and it will be dealt with and you will get a good MOT for both boobs which is no bad thing.

I wish you well with it and at least breast care is the one area of the NHS that you don't seem to get messed about in.

Big hugs

10-12-12, 20:47
Thank you for replying :) the other breast is hurting now too must stop poking at them. Xx