View Full Version : side effects?citalopram

30-11-12, 17:47
hiya i just wondered if anyone here had itchy crawly like skin whilst take citalopram or maybe it is just anxiety but it seems to have started when i started taking them, i lost my leaflet that comes with the tablets !?x

30-11-12, 17:58
I haven't had that on citalopram- my leaflet says you can get pins and needles and skin itching as side effects- don't know if that would cover what you are experiencing? Jonquil

30-11-12, 18:23
it might do its really strange it only happens on my arms and only when i have something long sleeved on it i take t off it stops its really gettin annoying and i cant seem to find any answers maybe my skin is more sensitive cus im anxious or something i just dont know!? :weep:

B rabbit
30-11-12, 18:27
hi, i have been on citalopram and now on venlafaxine but still have skin crawl now and then it must be anxiety (ie) nerve ends..

30-11-12, 18:39
yeh im starting to think it is the anxiety as ive always got v itchy when stressed and my skin is v sensitive anyway i cant even use bubble bath lol :)

B rabbit
30-11-12, 18:49
how long have you been on citalopram? and what mg

30-11-12, 18:56
i was on 10mg for one month and i have now been on 20 mg for a month x

B rabbit
30-11-12, 19:43
that is what i did and in the end was on 40mg but i still had social avoidance so the doc put me on venlafaxine wich has help me with the anxiety with not as many sides..
hope crawly skin goes for you.

30-11-12, 20:05
yeh i havent had too many side effects apart from this and nightmares but i dont think its helping my anxiety that much i still dont feel up to doing much ,i hope so to!just got in home and took my coat off and magically craly skin dissapears ! so strange :)

B rabbit
30-11-12, 20:12
hey HOME!! it's my safe house as well, love to put the key in the door and lock it behide me, shut all the peopel out... need to put this on my door :welcome:lol.