View Full Version : Panic about ENT appointment

30-11-12, 18:47
Went back to docs again today about this persistent post nasal drip thing that I have had since July. Sensation of mucous dripping down back of throat and throat clearing. Think she was at a loss as to what to do with me as I have tried so many sprays etc. Last presc didn't like at all vista methasone, gave me a real headache! Fed up with shoving all these steroids up my nose. Now panicking about going to see consultant as I know he will put the camera up! Not to mention what he might find. Other docs in the practice have suggested it is nothing serious but major anxiety sets in! Seems to be affecting my sinus' now. Can one sinus/nostril be blocked more than other one and can you get pain in right temple and forehead - not sure if this is me driving myself mad and making it all worse. Really panicking I may have a tumour! Any advice would be appreciated.

30-11-12, 23:45
i know people who have had runny noses for years. try not to worry about it, get the doctor to check by all means, it will put your mind at rest

01-12-12, 19:02
Hi jane, this sounds very very similar to what I experienced about 3 years ago when I was 18, when i had a blocked nose it was always the right side that was more (much more) blovked up. I went to a ent and had to go through the same thing, turns out these things called polyps were swollen. I took medication for a while and now it's fine although I do have a pretty bad blocked nose now and again still. My advice is not to worry, and gt it checked out so you can put your mind at rest about it :) I know it's easier said then done lol but I really wouldn't worry over this.

02-12-12, 18:54
Thanks for your responses - will try not to worry too much. Tomorrow is nearly here, just want to get it over with now.

03-12-12, 18:15
Hey, how did your appointment go today?

06-12-12, 17:30
Hi there

It went fine thanks - camera up nose and given all clear - no sign of any mucous or sinus trouble, couldn't believe it really as am still suffering! Now have pain on bridge of nose and like a pressure behind eyes plus pain in temple and top of head - not constantly but now and again - especially if I bend down. I just can't believe it - have posted under "something else driving me mad". I did mention the pain and he just said he didn't know what that was? That's the wrong thing to say to me as I am spinning myself up into a frenzy about a brain tumour now!! and wondering wether to go back to the docs again - only had this the last couple of weeks since the doc decided to refer me - not had the previous 5 months whilst I have had the nasal drip.:ohmy:

Bet you wish you hadn't asked me now!! The camera up the nose was no problem at all - would reassure anyone that you don't feel anything and it only takes 2 minutes.:)