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30-11-12, 19:55
Is anyone else really worried about the 2012 end of world thing i cant stop thinking about it really freaking me out ????xx

30-11-12, 20:09
Hiya xxcessxx!

First off, don't believe any of this nonsence about the world ending next month. Nothing is going to happen, except a normal day on the 21st December. :rolleyes:

Just think of all the other 'end of the world' predictions in the past, yet we're all still here. It's just a silly hoax. Please, don't worry about it. :hugs:

30-11-12, 20:40
thanks yeah thats whati thought but just everyone going on about it scared me x

30-11-12, 20:43
This is something that has affected my life since that stupid film was released a few years ago and I have looked quite deeply at reasons and signs that it will happen and also listened to scientists talking about the issue (all of who have given valid reasons as to why it WON'T happen) and stuff like that. Well anyway there it is in my first line "that stupid film" and what do films make .....money. Lots of money has been made off the back of this by people who see an oppertunity. Unfortunately for peeps like us these people do not think about how this scaremongering may affect others. As I said this amongst other things has affected my life for a long time and if you had asked me this time last year how I would be feeling at this time my answer would have been terrified, however I'm starting to see it for what it really is a money maker and I for one am once again planning for the future (just booked Biffy Clyro tickets in March:yesyes:).
Hope this helps

30-11-12, 20:50
Agreed with happy. They make money out of this sort of thing. They sell books, survival kits etc to people who think the world will end one day. It's all a big scam. Some people even suicide over these end of the world predictions, and they never even happened. It's crazy.

30-11-12, 20:51
it does alot thankyou x

30-11-12, 20:56
Hope these links make you feel better too. :)



30-11-12, 21:07
There was another thread on this last week you might be interested to read it http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=125085&highlight=end+world

01-12-12, 17:33
I'm suprisingly not worried about it, maybe because I've read up on it and believe it's just a bunch of old theories that are made public for money making. I just try to think of all the other predicted things that have never happened, please try not to worry too much about it!