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View Full Version : Diazapan and Cipralex

21-08-06, 15:29
Hi all

Can you take Diazapan and Cipralex together? Have been on Cipralex for one month and dont really feel any better. My panic attacks are still there - not as wfrequently but "waves" of them are there everyday. I have been drinking on these so going to give it a go without alcohol as dont think that helps- its just its relaxes me in the evenings then I pay for it the next day!!!

going back to docs this week and wanted to ask him if i could take diazapan as well. have been taking cipralex at night as it makes me dizzy and sick if i take it during the day im on 10mg


21-08-06, 17:30

I was given diazipam to take along side cipralex by my doctor. It's fine to take both.

Tara x

Smile...it confuses people.

22-08-06, 09:32
Thanks Tara

going to see doc tomorrow. Still not feeling that great on these tablets but then its only been a month and on 10mg so will have a chat to him and see what he thinks. woke up feeling really panicky this morning and found it hard to get to sleep last night. didnt have any alcohol last night so maybe its that coming out of my system!!!


24-08-06, 06:18
Hey guys, You probably hear this question all the time but I was wondering what kind of meds you would recommend to stay taking, I want to have in informed choice when I go to my doctor and he perscribes me something. I have reached the point in my life where my anxiety is stopping me doing things, the fear associated with it is holding me back in work, and trying to talk to a ladies is just embarrasing for everybody! I have issues from my chldhood that must be ironed out and im grudgingly going to force myself to councelling. I get annoyed some times when I see my peers who are starting to accomplish things when the stupid noise that clutters my mind holds me back from doing the same. If this story sounds similar to your experience please please reply and send me an email with your story. I look forward to hearing from you.