View Full Version : hello guys, decided once and for all to get counselling for anxieties/depression :)

01-12-12, 02:20
Hello guys,

Just wanted to say hello to everyone :)

I've decided that anxiety will no longer rule my existence! I begin counselling on 6th December and will finally allow myself to be helped and rid of this way of life.

Does anybody have any success stories they would like to share having overcome or eased anxiety with counselling? Or medication, Because I'll go G.P too and try this as a part of treatment if needed.

I'm expecting a tough challenge, but not tougher than the way I have viewed and treated my self for... ooooh, over 10 yrs :|

Personally I obsess about my health, had every terminal illness 'imaginable' - still alive and healthy I hope hehe, I avoid social situations (haven't attended a Uni seminar in 2 years-but still getting by somehow-final year now) probably social anxiety, self destructive and irrational at times, have had panic attacks, low to no confidence and I'm depressed more often than not I'd say, but I'll leave the diagnosis to the professionals from now on haha

I'm 29 in January and I decided that its time to confront this crappy way of living and find real peace, comfort and happiness - whatever it takes.

I finally realize/accepted that I have anxiety, I'm not as happy as I deserve to be, and that help is out there for me :yesyes:

Look forward to chatting with you guys over the course of time, its time to do this!

01-12-12, 02:30

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-12-12, 03:29
Congratulations DPC! You sound upbeat and I'm so happy for you - but what the hell does G P mean?

I used to suffer from social anxiety and then I decided to volunteer - becoming a friend to lonely senior citizen shut-ins. This helped me tremendously - forgetting about myself and helping others is certainly a help to getting outside of ourselves! I felt so good helping and the people I met were amazing.

Talking about health - I have been to the ER so many time because of panic attacks! I thought I was losing my mind. The feeling of no control is so frightening. But - all my tests came back - I was in tip top shape!

Now when I feel like that I just sit and veg and watch TV - sometimes a good distraction!

If there is one book I could recommend at the moment it would be "You Can Feel Good Again". It is all about the way we think . I felt so impowered after reading it. It is my mental health bible.

Keep up the positivity and good luck to you!:D

01-12-12, 03:47
CBT is a great tool and it helped so many people!
At the end a combination of factors and remedies works for us to racover,
So its better to be opened to all of them.
Tar carr

01-12-12, 05:32
Thanks guys,

Yeah I'll stay open to whichever course of treatment I'm offered, I heard of CBT from my student support adviser and elsewhere online, maybe they will suggest it when I go for my first session. I'm sure speaking to guys on here will help a lot too and when I recover I'll help others so thanks for the advice thumbalina its much appreciated!

Hi Iamme, thanks and I'm glad to hear you managed to deal with your social and health anxiety, Nice 1! Yeah I do feel upbeat for a change haha. It's a good feeling to know you're helping yourself, and I'm sure its just as good a feeling helping others :) I tried to volunteer myself for a couple of weeks delivering books to senior citizens, looking back I think I stopped because I was so anxious about having to meet new people and didn't notice the positive effect it could have had for me personally, maybe as I recover I'll consider this again, thanks. I just read a summary/introduction to this book on a website - Richard Carlson right? Seems really positive, I'll be reading more of these types of books for a better understanding of how to deal with these things, it certainly seems to have helped you, thanks for the recommendation!

Oh and btw a GP is a general practitioner - local doctor :) take care!

01-12-12, 10:04
Hi there,
WELL DONE you are halfway there you have decided to take control of your illness and get some help to kick its butt. With such a positive attitude and outlook on life you will go far.
I'am a work in progress, I have had two nervous breakdowns (I'am 30) but now I'am recovered living a relatively normal life. I still have blips and I accept there are certain things I cannot do because of my anxiety but that's how the cookie crumbles. I'am on citalopram 40mg which has worked wonders for me and I have had alot of therapy over the years ( I also haD a two month stay in a private mental health hospital when I had my second breakdown). Some aspects of therapy did help for me, others not so much. Now I'am a big believer in self help and I use postive affirmations, mindfullness, gratitude diary, relaxation techniques and self help CBT to help me conquer my demons and bring me back down to earth when im on a downer. Sometimes it works, other times it's a bit harder but im getting there. I work part time doing a job that I enjoy. I'am unable to work full time because of my anxiety but I have accepted this and feel grateful I can do some kind of work and contribute money to our house. It also brings me self worth and self esteem.
Meication changed my life and I was lucky that the first tablets I tried worked for me. Some people are wary of medication but these drugs were invented to help people like you and I. I wish you lots of luck and keep us posted how you get on. :hugs:
Helen x

01-12-12, 11:15
Good on you for giving this a go DPC :D hope it all goes well for you!
love Moon

13-12-12, 21:06
I also tried citalopram. they made me feel a bit bizarre for a few weeks but i loved them. i actually used to kiss the pack sometimes!! they make you feel so normal. however i would definately recommed some therapy as well as there will be a time when you want to come off the tablets and without therapy the problem will still be there. Paul McKenna's book instant confidence which comes with a hypnotherapy CD is very good for giving you some self belief and faith in yourself to overcome it. good luck