View Full Version : Hello everybody new to this need some help

01-12-12, 20:15
hi all I have suffered terrible anxiety over the last few months over a health issue,this led to terrible feelings of dread and creating terrible sceanarios, I have been to.the docttor whom has said anxiety. I have now being worried that the all these pains aches I have have to..be down to something else than anxiety. I have had terrible feelings that something is going to happen to.me can anxiety have so many physical symptoms the worst is when a new one starts and I say ok thats ok but then the WHAT IF starts and I cant stop the worry and anxiety, im on a round about I cant get off the WHAT IF wont let me off. The symptoms are terrible I dont want to eat I feel sick pains and aches. feelings im my head neck and jaw and yesterday my arm went numb and my.hand went pins and needles thats here again today creating more anxiety and what if also headaches on side of head.I am back to doctor.on monday I just hope I can end this nightmare. Can anxiety cause so many physical symptoms.

01-12-12, 20:25
Hi Graham2012

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-12-12, 20:34
Hi Graham and :welcome:

I know it's hard to believe it's possible that anxiety can cause all of your symptoms. See this article:


The problem is that when you believe there's something physically wrong, you worry about it and the more you worry, the worse you feel. It's a vicious circle. It's easier said than done but accepting your anxiety is the first step to feeling better. Hopefully you'll get some comfort from others on this site. I certainly do.

Take care


01-12-12, 21:02
aniexty can cause all different syhmptoms and the ones that you have are have are aniexty but they will get better and easier i have been there
and comoing out the other end and so will you

02-12-12, 21:37
Thank you so much for your replies, it is very difficult indeed to accept that the symptoms that i have experienced can indeed be caused by Anxiety.
The viscous circle is horrible, today i have tried very hard not to be affected by the symptoms such as tingly sore fingers numb feeling in the legs and other pains and aches. Tomorrow i see the doctor and intend getting a full check up and put in place a plan to rid me of this nightmare. its these symptoms that are the hardest to deal with, but i have taken the advice of the forum and i wont be ever consulting Dr Google again.
The hardest thing is the "WHAT IF" that is like a thought thief as he steals all the good thoughts that i have and replaces them with doom and gloom but i am determined to Jail this thief once and for all and get back to living.
Thanks for all the advice you have given:) i am determined to beat this with all your help.

02-12-12, 21:38
Hi and :welcome:

fly elvis
03-12-12, 14:09
Hi mate
For sure, i'm lost right now---
I cant find the send button

03-12-12, 15:56
Hi all today I see the doctor I am releuctant to try meds what are the alternatives to taking meds or shud I just try them I really want to be free from this vice hold anxiety has me.buti dont want to go on meds any advice most welcome thanks again

03-12-12, 18:39
Im in the same position as you i dont really want to take meds either it is not the best solution. But anxiety is so crippling sometimes we have to take these measures. i wish you the best of luck

04-12-12, 08:31
The doctor is sending me for cognitive behaviour therapy ,he thinks meds are only short term for me so he wants me to try this I am looking foward to trying this and to hopefully break free of this vice like hold anxiety has over me

04-12-12, 09:01
Good luck Graham! My doctor also suggested CBT instead of drugs, which I am glad about.


04-12-12, 19:28
That sounds good, hopefully you won't have to wait too long to be referred for CBT.