View Full Version : Driving phobia

01-12-12, 23:45
My first posts here will explain some background

I'm quite a bit luckier than many other anxiety and panic sufferers. I could just quit driving and never have another panic attack. I do have some anxiety with some other drivers driving, for instance my 17 year old driving me in the dark at 70 mph.

It's been about two years since the first panic attacks in the car. I was stuck driving to the sun in the middle lane going to the sun. Could not get off to my exit. Many have the trapped feeling only on bridges.

So I am having a panic attack going 50mph, or maybe 90-100km. I knew it was one, I knew it was not a heart attack. And I am probably somewhat better at driving in daylight than most drivers, having driven 40 years.

I did not see another topic on the driving fears. So I started a new thread.

I am Finnish and went to search fear of driving in Finnish. I found to my surprise at least a dozen people discussing the problem in a forum. One fellow was able to drive in rural areas and stop signs, but had a panic attack at every traffic light he was supposed to stop at. They do not do right turns on red there, I believe. No way out for him.

Phobias have all the symptoms other anxiety sufferers have, but we are a bit special to treat. I have no fear or anxiety about social issues. It is just strictly me stuck in a situation where I do not have full control. I could care less what other drivers think of my driving. I am a bit bothered by police, so I dare not ever pull to the shoulder.

So there is most of the story.

I did see a doctor. The first drugs resembled valium, I quit it after a week, no effect.

I was, after some 4 months of driving off the interstate on streets only, put on citalopram 10mg. The driving was fine, confident, for 6 months. Then some more panic attacks. I knew the road by heart, so I could get off the freeway anywhere and find my way home from any exit. I avoided the attacks. It was mostly fear of panic attacks at this point!

I was then on 20mg citalopram, but the confidence was less than the firs citalopram months. I suspect a placebo effect for the 10mg.

I added 250mg magnersium a day. It has, I believe, cut down on both panic and migraines. It may be a placebo too, but the effect seems to have lasted 6 months.

I've driven some 30-35 000 km since the first panic attack. I still can't drive fast at night, only some 60km/h. And never with much traffic.

Only side effect seems to be some fatigue, so I drink a cup of coffee before driving home. It can't help the anxiety, but at least keeps me awake.

It was a bout a month into the problem I decided it was a phobia. I have no other phobias, I can travel by air. Maybe a touch of obsessive compulsive control freak as well.

I know phobias are hard to cure by therapy so I dismissed that after reading a book on the methods.

02-12-12, 00:34

We do have a lot of driving phobia posts on here. Have you read my personal story on the left as well?

02-12-12, 01:00
OK, will read it.

02-12-12, 01:08
I had CBT for mine - let me know if you can't find my post and I will find it for you

02-12-12, 01:10
driving is discussed early on.

02-12-12, 01:11
That is my story yes and there are posts on here as well

02-12-12, 02:07
Interesting how things went for you. I had a little panic one day. Driving the same route, I had one on the same spot the next day. I parked, drove to a shopping center parking lot. Walked around, called home. I knew then I had had a panic attack.

Though my driving phobia is similar in many ways to claustrophobia...being stuck...I do not have regular claustrophobia. I might in a very small plane, slightly. More anxiety of some level.

One question: You still can't go in the car with someone else driving?

02-12-12, 21:27
Administrator(Nicola), thanks for sharing so far. I know you don't actually like to talk about driving.

02-12-12, 21:40
I still hate going in the car with someone else driving yes. I do try it sometimes but only short trips and only if I trust them to slow down or stop for me. I am fine with my partner though.

I am quite happy to talk about my driving issues.

03-12-12, 02:08
OK then. You do seem to be driving longer than me these days. My drive to work is 40km, and that is pretty much how far I go. I drive 2 lane roads a bit longer..2-3 hours... (US Highway, not interstate). The fact that they do not have ramps and limited access clears me of the claustrophobia feeling.

03-12-12, 12:59
I like to have a hard shoulder to stop on if I need to (never have needed to though)

I don't like queues or roadworks at all.

The way I addressed the fears was to keep driving over and over up and down roads even when panicking to show that it can't harm me. Sometimes this worked well and other times it freaked me out!

03-12-12, 15:07
Yes, it can be freaky. Family members may just see you slightly agitated. I explain to them that panic attacks can be as physical
as vomiting or migraine.