View Full Version : Yellow tongue.

01-12-12, 23:53
Hello everyone,

A quick question more than worry of sorts. I quit smoking about two/three months ago, i smoked for about a year. (stupidly went back to it after quitting for about two years).

I noticed the other day i have a stained yellow tongue which i assume is down to the smoking. I have since stared brushing my tongue and using a tongue scraper which has got rid of the yellow quite a bit, but my tongue is still yellow towards the back where i cant reach it with the brush and scraper without gagging, haha.

any ideas how to get it off? I have asked Dr. Google (extreme caution/carefulness).

Cheers guys! x

02-12-12, 01:18
Baking soda and water?
It might be oral trush too from the smoking.

02-12-12, 08:07
I have this problem as well, though I am not a regular smoker (maybe a couple a month). It's really hard to get to the back of your tongue without getting a gag reflex. I do find that keeping hydrated helps. However wheher you can do anything to get rid of it, I am not sure...perhaps it would be an idea to ask your dentist or possibly doctor? They may know of something you can use or take?

03-12-12, 11:29
Keeping your mouth hydrated by drinking lots of water can help in eliminating bad breath problems, and can also help in keeping your tongue clean. If this not able to solve your problem it is best if you can have your tongue checked by your dentist as soon as possible to get an accurate diagnosis, and the corresponding treatment. Good luck!

03-12-12, 11:31

After buying and using a tongue scraper when i brush my teeth twice a day it had make the yellow go away a lot! :-D Also i have been using a decent mouthwash instead of the cheapy ones which may or may not have worked it could all be the scraper.

Anyways, cheers for the advice all! x