View Full Version : 1st CBT appt tomorrow - what to expect?

02-12-12, 16:30
Hi all

Ive my first appt tomorrow can anyone help me with what to expect please? x

03-12-12, 11:34
Hi Vindrea,

In my first session i just told my long winded life story of when my anxiety started all the way to the current time. That in itself, having someone listen to me rambling made me feel SOO much better.


03-12-12, 11:40
I even took my notes wih me because it was so long and complicated that i could have forgotten bits... ;). I hope your doc is a lovely person as it means allot.

03-12-12, 13:02
Hi vindrea, I dont know if you'll see my post before your 1st CBT appt but although mine was years ago, I still remember it. My therapist asked me lots of questions & filled out some questionnaires.
I didnt have anything written down as I didnt have a clue why i was so depressed but if there are things you might forget, then notes are an excellent idea.
I guess initially I didnt have to say much as I was soooo confused about life that I had absolutely no idea where to begin. But my therapist guided me along from the outset. She also explained to me the theory behind CBT & how you get into negative thought cycles.
Over the weeks I did "tell my story" & realised how things I'd experienced were influencing me in the present day. The here & now they call it. Gradually I was able to change the way my negative thoughts were spiralling out of control. I could stop them in their tracks. Bad habits I had changed for the better. I became more confident. That has not altered.
I did come away from the first session thinking how great that I'd met such a lovely therapist & couldnt believe that I was so lucky to be the subject of someone's attention. Even long after I finished the process, She is still a special person in my heart. Never a day goes by that I dont use what I learned. I'm hoping you can have the same type of healing and positive experience too.
Gradually as we worked together, it became clear where my issues lay and how they had developed. It was quite a journey but one i'd recommend to others wholeheartedly. It involves plenty of work and commitment on your part but I believe it will be beneficial.