View Full Version : first day

02-12-12, 17:14
just took my first fluoxetine today.have to say im a bit worried reading all these side effects i never normally read up on side effects wish i hadnt now :mad:

02-12-12, 17:38
Hi AbbieJ, I wish I had found this forum at your stage, I did not find it until I was feeling deperate at 4 weeks in so I had no idea that it was the side effects from the meds that was making feel worse and so so rotten.

Everyone is different and I am not saying it is easy because for me it wasn't but you may not have as severe side effects, but that is the negative side because if you read a lot of the posts you will see even those of us that have suffered badly have come out the otherside and it was so so worth it, they kicked in at five and a half weeks for me and i am still feeling good.

You are not alone and the support is here if you need it, I could not have got through it without this forum, my fantastic husband and family.


02-12-12, 17:55
i have just started takin them too, well... tomorrow wil b day 7. today hasnt been too bad but 2 days b4 were horrid, is this the meds or my anxiety?????? xx

02-12-12, 18:08
It is the medication making you feel more anxious and you will have better days and then bad days again untill eventually the good days out weigh the bad, just take it minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day that is the only way to get through it and just think it is the medication working.


02-12-12, 18:30
u dont know how glad i am to hear that, i have not really felt that great since starting them but woke up this mornin quite possitive, and i actually said to my other half "i'm gonna take each day as it comes" thanku for replying. xx:D

02-12-12, 18:49
Hopefully i wont be too bad,How long before the side effects satrt if the do?

02-12-12, 19:22
i not sure really, i pretty much felt awful after a couple days but every1 is different and i was already taking propranolol for anxiety, try not too worry as im sure this makes things worse.. good luck and stick with it. xx

02-12-12, 19:25
thanks will give it my best shot as i need to get better...What time of day is best to take the tablet? xx

02-12-12, 20:01
i am taking mine in the morning, not sure if it makes a difference xx good luck xx

02-12-12, 20:10
thanks a lot.xx

02-12-12, 21:03
I always take mine first thing in the morning, you will find that you will get different waves of side effects and some days will be better than others, my doctor put me on slow release propanolol which really helped with the upped anxiety, 80mg for a start and then at 4weeks I had to go up to 160mg which really did help, I also had diazapan to use as and when I needed it, lots of days I got through without it but some days I really needed to use it, for a short time I also had some sleeping pills from the GP as the flux really messed me up sleepwise which reading on here is very common, that did settle after a few weeks and is absolutely fine again now.

Good luck both of you if I can help or give advice I am happy to do so, I am not an expert by any means but I have been through it recently. xx

02-12-12, 21:11
thanks a lot janine :) im just worried about having the side effects at work,Doc has confirmed me with depression but i chose the option to stay working and not be signed off as sitting about house prob make me feel worse,xx

02-12-12, 21:22
I think you have got to see how you feel, my doc said if I could go to work it was the best thing to do as it gives you something else to thing about and if I could manage it I went in, some days I don't know how I did it and felt it hard to concentrate but being with people helped, somedays I would tell myself I would go in and come home when it got too much but would surprise myself and be able to stay all day, occasionally I did have to take a diazpan at some point. It was not the depression but the increased anxiety.

I was lucky as my colleagues knew what was wrong and my Line Manager was really understanding and told me that she had been through the same thing a few years ago. I was able to go in a bit later or leave earlier and work from home some days so all that helped, I have to be honest there were some days when I just could not make it and I am someone who never have time off normally.

I think you are right to go if you can because sitting around can make you worse but don't beat yourself up if you have days when you just can't manage it.


02-12-12, 21:38
Thanks janine,I suppose i can only give it one day at a time.xx