View Full Version : Freaking out a bit, please help! (And Hi, nice to meet you...)

02-12-12, 18:11
Firstly, Hi! I'm Joe. It's great to be on the forum.

After discovering this place last night and having a bit of a read I thought I'd sign up and post what I'm going through in the hope that I might find a bit of peace like it appears some other people on here have been fortunate enough to, because I think I may be at a point where I either get better at dealing with my HA, or spend the rest of my days as a gibbering wreck, and I'd much prefer the former. Here goes (Apologies in advance for the long-winded-ness)...

I first started experiencing HA about 2-3 years ago when I was a regular cannabis smoker. Like most people, when I first started smoking it (Around 5-6 years ago) one of the things I liked about it was that it chilled me out and slowed my heart rate as a consequence. I smoked it every day for around 2 years and then once I moved in with my girlfriend I became a less frequent user - we'd typically have periods where we'd smoke daily together for two weeks or so, then have a few weeks without it, with no real rules or system in place, just periods of smoking it and then having a break - and that is when the trouble started.

I would find when we were smoking it, particularly for the first time after a long break, that I would feel like my heart was going to explode. I could feel it thudding in my chest like the clappers, and I would, simply put, be convinced I was going to have a heart attack. My left hand and arm would often go numb at the same time which would only support the idea. At first I kept it to myself, I'd just sit there curled up with my girlfriend and watch TV or whatever in silence and it would usually subside eventually, however one day, when we were watching the Indiana Jones Trilogy of all things I just freaked out in front of her and was convinced I was going to die (Damn you and your gripping direction, Spielberg!). I rang NHS direct and was put through to a doctor who said he was 99% sure that it was nothing to do with my heart but I should go to A&E anyway just to be sure. They did an ECG and chest x-rays and they were both normal and I was sent on my way, happy in the knowledge that there was nothing wrong with me and thinking that was that. I wish I'd been right...

A few months later I started to experience excruciating pain in my stomach and booked an emergency appointment at my doctor's, after which I was sent straight to hospital and kept in for a week, at the end of which they discovered that I have a condition called diverticulitis, which is a bowel condition that comes from having a bad diet. Not great news, but its controllable as long as you clean up your act a bit and I have: I've stopped smoking pot for good and am making big steps towards improving my diet and making sure I'm getting enough sleep etc, and until recently I was feeling physically better than I have in years. But now the thudding heart is back, and it's killing me!

Last week I went for a job interview and was told to come back for a trial day. I did the trial day and it was quite physically exerting, walking door-to-door (The job is in sales) in gale-force winds and storming rain, so I was fairly knackered by the time we got back to the office. The office in question is on the top floor of the building and there's no lift, so you have no choice but to take the stairs. It was halfway up the stairs that my heart started whacking in my chest, you could say justifiably after the exertion I'd gone through, but I was absolutely terrified nevertheless (Which obviously made it worse). As soon as I'd sat down I had an exam paper pushed in my face and was told as soon as I'd done it that I'd meet the head of the company and be told whether I'd got the job or not. I did the exam with my heart racing and racing and went in to meet the guy and was told that I'd done very well and that I'd got the job. My working life has so far been restricted to shitty catering jobs, mostly in a part time capacity whilst studying at Uni and College, and this is a 'proper' job in sales, a really big opportunity for me, so getting it was a big deal, one of the most significant events in my life so far and it should have been one of the happiest, and it was totally ruined for me by this confounded bulls hit with my heart.

That was last week, and I've been getting it on and off all week, it won't go away. Last night we went out for dinner with friends and it was bothering me for pretty much the whole evening until I mentioned it to my girlfriend and she calmed me down, but I start this new job tomorrow and I'm petrified I'm going to have an anxiety attack in my first day at work (Where she won't be).

Does anyone have any suggestions or past experience in this kind of situation? I know that the more I worry about tomorrow and the more I build it up the worse it will be but I can't help it, I'm going bloody mad sat here typing this when I should be preparing myself for the start of my new career, what can I do??????????

02-12-12, 18:34
Hi, don't know if I can help you too much but I will try!
My boyfriend smokes a lot of cannabis and has done for about 10 years now. Like you, he started doing it regularly as it calmed him down and made him feel relaxed.
Just before we met, he decided he was done with the cannabis and tried to go cold turkey. He got chest pains and horrible anxiety, so saw his g.p. who prescribed him propanolol. By the time he met me, he decided he was ok without the propanolol so finished the course his doctor gave him and never went back again - funnily enough his anxiety got really bad and he started smoking weed again.
Shortly after he started smoking weed again, I fell pregnant (unplanned) and he swore he would stop. He managed to stop, however when I miscarried hr started once more.
We went on holiday for a fortnight and he literally didn't touch it at all for nearly three weeks, didn't even miss it or have his usual withdrawl symptoms. Then the plonker started again!
A year later, I again fell pregnant, this time his anxiety went through the roof as he was worried I would miscarry again. I made him go to the doctor for more propanolol which really helped, and again he stopped smoking weed for a good few weeks. Everything was going well until I miscarried and he yet again started smoking weed.
It seems every time he manages to stop he always goes back to it. We are going on holiday on Saturday and he won't be able to get any for a week, so I am going to make him stop afterwards - I am going to get the proanolol at the ready!
How long has it been since you stopped smoking cannabis? My boyfriend gets chest pains when he stops, the propanolol really helps with that. He has explained why this happens to me before but I can't remember exactly, it is something to do with cannabis inhibiting the production of adrenaline so when you stop you have excess adrenaline which causes the chest pain - don't quote me on that!
Obviously your situation is slightly different to my boyfriends, but I feel speaking to your g.p. about a prescription for propanolol to see if it helps.
Congratulations on managing to kick your habit! If you have any tips which I can pass on to my boyfriend for next week I would greatly appreciate it!

02-12-12, 20:47
I have never experienced heart palpatations but I am told they are not pleasant.
First, HUGE congratulations on the job, thats awesome, but being worried is normal, you will settle into it and the anxiety your feeling will ease. I got back into work 7 months ago and it was my first job in a while, my anxiety was through the roof! but I spent the evening before getting everything ready, I think I actually got everything ready, ironed, packed and repacked a half dozen times until I was exhausted :)
Then I slept well and kicked myself in the arse in the morning, I got my wife to make sure I went and gave her permission to do horrible things to me if I tried to back out.


Good luck, you will do great.

03-12-12, 00:46
Congrats on the job! This is such an exciting time for you and I'm 100% positive you can get your anxiety under control and enjoy this new chapter of your life! :)

I've recently stopped smoking weed due to my increasing anxiety, but I've suffered from panic attacks and palpitations for 7-8 years.
One thing that I've always found helpful is to sit down (when possible) and breath in for 7 counts and breath out for 11 counts. Continue to do this until you start to feel a little more relaxed. Then distraction is the best method.
Say the alphabet backwards or see how many red objects you can see. One that I always try is to think of 6 songs by my favourite musician!
Hope this helps!
Much <3 and positive thoughts xx

03-12-12, 22:10
Hi guys, thanks so much for your responses, they have genuinely helped as I have thought about what you have all said at least once today - just knowing there are people out there who have been/are going through the same thing makes all the difference. I will tell you all what happened today briefly and then reply individually:

I arrived early for work to give myself time to take the stairs at a steady pace, but as I walked towards them I saw someone I'd met last week at the induction and he was flying up them like a whippet so I felt I had to keep up with him, so by the time I reached the top I was knackered and my heart was going mad, feeling like it was beating out of my chest. I managed to take it easy ultimately however because it turned out we had a long wait before we went in and I was able to get my breath back and allow my heart rate to return to normal. No real problem there.

The next time it happened was unfortunately less easy going. After reviewing and signing our contracts we were given a short twenty minute break and I went down to the lobby to give my Dad a call and to run certain things in the contract by him, and then to nip out for some air. When I walked back up to the office my heart was playing up again but this time everyone was waiting for me, so I had to walk into the meeting room and sit and be asked questions and interact with people whilst in my head I was having another fuc king freak out about my heart, which sucked a ss obviously. The worst thing is that I think people could tell there was something wrong but none of them know me well enough to ask. After about 20-30 minutes it settled down and so did I and I was able to focus but I really don't think I can work like this! Today was however a bit of an improvement on the last few times so I'm trying to be positive and take it as a sign that things are getting better...

lo89 - Like your boyfriend I think I started smoking weed to dull my anxiety, although I've only become fully aware of anxiety properly after I'd quit, I think I'd always suffered from it but just put it down to being 'a worrier', and weed just erased that part of me. Believe it or not I do feel much better for quitting despite the initial tough couple of weeks of adjustment, if he sticks to it he'll realise that you don't have to be high to enjoy life, but he must realise that for himself and personally, I would advocate doing it clear headed and without medication. It may work for him in the short term but doesn't sound like it helps in the long run as he goes back to the weed (Hope I'm not getting that wrong/causing any offence), although having said that propanolol does sound like exactly what would sort me out, and I've noted the name down and will ask my GP about it if things get any worse than they are. So thank you :)

Wonderlust - Thank you, I am patting myself on the back somewhat over the job; it's definitely the best thing to happen to me for a long time and despite my anxiety I am really enjoying it so far. Funnily enough I read your post as I was getting everything ready last night but it just reminded me that if I was that extra bit thorough it would help out this morning greatly, so on the back of your suggestion I went the extra mile and got the coffee machine all prepped, had all the stuff in place to make my breakfast, and I even did some weird thing a friend had told me to do involving stuffing newspaper in my new shoes to make them more comfortable (Which actually kind of worked)! Being prepared is probably the most important thing to having as least stressful a day as possible, so thank you for reminding me of that - you weren't in the scouts like me by any chance were you?

virgo199060 - Your advice was great and really helped out today, thank you so much. As I said the first time I was getting heart thud I was able to just calm myself down normally because I had a while to chill out in the waiting area at the office before really doing anything, but the second time was a different story and the thing I remembered that you had put (I read your response right before I went to work this morning) was the method you use to calm down involving thinking of your fave songs by your fave musician, that really helped because I'm a bit of a music nerd and went even further and started compiling a full best of Bob Dylan album in my head! Really really great advice but could you possibly clear up what you meant by 'breath in for 7 counts and breath out for 11 counts'? I wasn't sure exactly what you were getting at there but would like to try that and also any other relaxation/distraction methods you could recommend. Thanks again.

05-12-12, 03:08
Yay! So glad it helped! :) I'm a music nerd too so listening to favourite songs of mine will also calm me down.
And in regards to the breathing, what you do is count from one to seven in your head. While you're doing this you should be inhaling. Hold the breath for one to two seconds and then count from one to eleven in your head. Whilst doing this count you exhale.

So breath in for 7 counts and breath out for eleven :)
It stops you hyperventilating! X