View Full Version : Feeling like cant breath

anx mum
02-12-12, 20:14
Im so scared right now:weep:, its hard to explain but i feel like im getting little air. Also when i take my dog out im so out of breath cant catch my breath. Im worried recently had a 24 heart monitor results not back yet. Feel so alone dont think my hubby understand he just switches off i feel like something bad is gonna happen

02-12-12, 20:22
Hi anx mum,
If is just anxiety and you can breath its just that muscles are tightened and it makes us feel that way.
Just carry on with whatever you are doing and try not to take any notice of the breathing thing.

anx mum
02-12-12, 20:28
thank u had alot of ecgs which have come bk normal just dont like this feeling get chest pains aswell.

02-12-12, 20:29
Are you hyperventilating?
Try to control your breathing, find somewhere safe and comfortable away from any stress, focus on your breathing and only that until you have it under control.

when I had my first ever panic attack my wife told me to "sort myself out", I thought I was having a heart attack and was more scared than I have ever been.
Not having the support from the people you love and trust can sometimes be harder to swallow than the fear of the physical symptoms themselves. But, unless you have felt it, you cant understand it, I suppose I took comfort in that and I knew she loved me.

Hope you feel better soon :)

03-12-12, 09:59
I know exactly how you feel, im 25, and taking my son to school is so hard work, i walk really slow and i get really breatheless and short of breath, i dont smoke or anything, i dont understand how i can feel like that and yet see people zoom past me talking and smoking and breathing fine, its hard for me not to call 999 all the time, but i get it in my head that i feel like this all the time,, if something bad was going to happen then surely it would of. If i was you i would think the same, and think of all the tests you have had when you have felt like this, and they have come back fine.
I know it must be anxiety related, but at the time it doesnt feel like it.