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02-12-12, 23:56
these past few weeks i have had very little day light as ive been going sleep in the mornings sometimes around 9-10am and getting up when it is dark outside...after about a week of this, that is where my severe anxiety and dissociation / depersonalisation / Derealization and still i have not had much day light, i felt much better yesterday i got up in the daylight had a hearty breakfast and had a rather happy day, could this lack of sunlight be causing my DP/DR ? is it possible or as anyone had any experience of this? hope to hear from u.

03-12-12, 00:25
Do you mean you have stayed up all night till 9-10 am or do you work nights so have no choice?

03-12-12, 00:32
I mean I have stayed up till that time because I can't sleep and basically had to wait till my body was just that exhausted that I fell asleep! I did it again today not getting up till 6pm and I'm really struggling today and tonight I feel awful and panicky...do u think this could be my answer to my problems...

03-12-12, 01:26
You need to get to bed in the night and wake up in the day or you will feel rubbish to be honest.

Our bodies are naturally designed to sleep when it is dark and be awake when it is light so you are changing your natural body clock and need to get it back on track for normal sleep patterns.

03-12-12, 01:32
Yea I am going to try and do so! I have just clicked that since I started doing that (sleeping in light and awake at night) that my anxiety is just 100% worse and I started getting DP/DR! a few days of being awake in the day should sort me right out then! Would u tend to agree Nicola? Wish me luck :-)

03-12-12, 01:38
I agree with Nicola you need daylight try and sleep when its dark, its a difficult pattern to change but you will do it good luck x

03-12-12, 01:44
You do need to sleep at night to be honest. Going to bed at 9am and sleeping all day will make you feel rubbish

Do you not work?

03-12-12, 01:51
Unfortunately i dont work at the moment, i use to be a Door supervisors and Bodyguard and all my work was at night time and i use to get to sleep at stupid times sleeping all day and since i broke my neck and been fixed i have not been able to get back into work as all my clients had to find other people to protect them....i think i have finally found my cause....i never thought about this till now, i didnt tell any DR about it or anything....this could now change me life for the better :) i have a smile on my face now thinking i have finally found the reason...