View Full Version : Full blown panic - cancer symptoms

Anxiety Jim
03-12-12, 01:36

As some of you may know, I've been worried about cancer a lot over the past few months mainly stomach/pancreatic/bowel.

For the past two - three weeks I've had a hard painless lump behind my right ear, and now for the past 5 days I've had a very hard lump on the right side of my neck, about a third of the way from my shoulder to ear.

They are both very hard and about pea-sized, last time I went to the GP with my stomach issues he mentioned it COULD be cancer, but he didn't think it was. Now with these lumps I'm having a full blown panic attack thinking my cancer must be very advanced.

It's been about 6 months since I first went to the GP with my stomach symptoms and now I'm just scared they've not taken my symptoms seriously enough and the chance of a cure has now well and truly passed.

I was hoping the lumps were from a cold that I may have had without realising (stupid I know). and that they would disappear, but they've stayed put :-(

I'm going to go to my GP tomorrow, but I think it's already too late now :-(

Anyone got any advice, or had similar things?

03-12-12, 01:45
I don't think it is serious Jim or they would have acted sooner to be honest.

You need to just see the doc and see what happens

03-12-12, 01:50
Hi Jim,

I agree with Nicola, that the doc wouldnt leave it like that if he thought of something. Not very clever of him to give you hia assumption before investigating. Just ask dor more tests if you still worried.

Anxiety Jim
03-12-12, 01:56
Hi everyone,

I appreciate the quick responses, the reason I'm worried is that the GP is writing me off as too young for cancer, and also I've not mentioned my lumps to a GP yet, I meant to mention them last week when I saw a GP but got carried away with my stomach symptoms I completely forgot to mention it.

Since that last visit to the GP the second lump (on my neck) has popped up, scarring me even more.

A few things keeping me going are that I don't feel particularly unwell, and haven't been losing much weight (current weight 22.5 stone, heaviest 4 months ago at 24.5 stone).

I've not been in this much of a panic for months :-(

03-12-12, 02:11
Jim, GP must have not ha experience with anxiety and panic - therefore he understimated your possible reaction to his assumptions.
Talk to him anout lumps as well if you trust him.

03-12-12, 02:44
You cannot assume every lump is cancer dear, I have stone hard lumps all over my body, I have one on the side of my neck that is about 2cm long and a cm thick, if I tilt my head it sticks out my neck. Had it since birth.
I find lumps in my neck all the time, it's no big deal.
Just because the internet says a lump is bad doesn't mean it is okay.
According to google I'm dead!
Don't panic and don't compare yourself to other people, everyone is totally different okay! Some people have lumps, other people don't.

Anxiety Jim
03-12-12, 02:47
Thanks for the reply ReissG,

The thing that has me worried is that they're new lumps... :-(

03-12-12, 02:49
I just found a new one :P

---------- Post added at 02:49 ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 ----------

Have you ever looked in that area before? Did you just come across them one day?

03-12-12, 02:54
I am terrible with this kind of thing, i find lumps and bumps all the time and i go get them checked out and the first thing the DR (who knows me very well) says the same thing "You've never really checked that area before have you kez?" ....my reply is also always the same...."NO" LOL thing is we all find new lumps and bumps all the time, im like u though i get freaked out and rush off too see my GP....i read an article the other day about lymph-nodes and 99% of the time if they are inflamed or swollen they usually are not cancer, only 1% of them are....so in other words if u have not won the lottery jackpot theres a good chance it isnt cancer :) ur DR would have drove u to the hospital to get it checked himself if he had any suspicion he thought it was...i will try and find that article for u, its really reassuring about cancers and other horrible things like this...just keep reassuring urself if it was the DR would have noticed :)

03-12-12, 10:48
Sorry to hear you are still struggling Jim, and I have to say that I would have thought the GP would have acted quicker if they were in anyway concerned. You are probably aware I have similar issues to you, mine started in May, but all my blood tests so far have been fine and I have not lost any more weight (did lose 8 pounds very quickly couple of months ago). Have you had blood tests? Seemed a little bit harsh for the GP to mention the C word without doing follow up tests first. Have you got a date for your abdo ultrasound yet??

---------- Post added at 10:48 ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 ----------

Think I mentioned to you about my 3 swollen nodes behind ear, I thought they were connected to my stomach issues as well, but GP assured me very unlikely.

03-12-12, 12:36
Not the first time I have heard a GP, shall we say be untactful, especially if he knows you well.
Don't misunderstand me, as I am sure othes including myself go in with a long lit of things we MIGHT have and most GP's just brush them off. i often got the impression that to an extent they are clock watching, therefore I changed doctors as I find a bit like a therapist chosing the ight doctor often lessens the anxiety even if something is physically wrong with oneself

Anxiety Jim
06-12-12, 22:19
Think I mentioned to you about my 3 swollen nodes behind ear, I thought they were connected to my stomach issues as well, but GP assured me very unlikely.

That's a bit reassuring yes, I went to the GP about the lump behind my ear and he said it doesn't feel like anything nasty.

I've also got my appointment through for my abdominal ultrasound, it's on the 17th, so a week on Monday. I'm firstly worried that it will show advanced cancer, and secondly worried that because I'm so over weight they won't be able to see anything, and I doubt my GP would order any follow up scans/tests if that was the case.

06-12-12, 22:31
Hi Jim glad you got date for your ultrasound, and I am sure you GP would follow up with other tests for you if the pancreas is not shown. My pancreas was seen on the ultrasound but I know gas or other factors can hide the pancreas . Good luck for your scan, try not to worry too much .

Hope the GP has reassured you about your ear lump. It is exactly what was said to me about my lump, it is nothing sinister. Try and take heart from that.