View Full Version : help :(

03-12-12, 12:35
this is my first post on here. i have had 4 panic attacks in the past few months.. but the last one was the worst, and has left me with this spacey and numb feeling that has been going on for over 40 hours now. :( i understand this is probably anxiety or something after a bad attack, but can someone maybe tell me how i can help it go away, and how much longer will i be feeling like this? :( i am starting to feel very afraid of getting another attack, and am dreading to leave the house or put myself in situations where there are lot of people around etc.

03-12-12, 13:51
Hello to you and welcome, if you haven't already introduced yourself on that particular thread.
I'm new here too and have been suffering anxiety for near on 3 months. I hope that the articles on the website are of some help, they've certainly help me and there are plenty of friendly members.
But firstly I hope you can arrange a checkup with your Doctor so that they can assess your concerns direct.
Take care of yourself :)

03-12-12, 15:06
I am very sorry, panic is a viscous circle and the fear of a having another attack is often the cause. Talk to your GP about what is happening to you so you can work out where you go from here in terms of your recovery. You need to address this now to enable you to get your life back on track.:)

03-12-12, 18:34
To address your fear. The feeling will be an ultra high level of anxiety over the last 40 hours.

Thankfully a panic attack has a physiologically short time span of ten to 30 mins. After that you will be feeling heightened anxiety. (I know this will not clear your anxiety fully but should be able to help you get through.)

I would schedule a docs appointment though.

03-12-12, 20:43
Your not alone, NMP is a great forum, you'll get loads of support.

05-12-12, 13:39
its been constant for the past 4 days now. will it ever stop :weep:

05-12-12, 19:52
my panic attack ws in september, im still feeling not right now :( horrible x