View Full Version : has anyone taken paxil?

21-08-06, 23:36
okay so ive been getting very lightheaded for a long time now about 5 months almost and it started getting a lot better or at least the derealization was, but now starting the past 2 days its coming back really badly and today my doctor prescribed me paxil 10mg once a day. i just took my first pill about an hour ago. has anyone taken paxil before? or know anything about it? how long does it take to kick in? anything information on paxil would be a ton of help. thank you.

22-08-06, 10:20
I've been taking paxil (though I think of it as Aropax as that is the brand I use) on and off for about 7 years now! 10 mg is a really low dose so I don't think you would have to worry too much about side effects. It takes a few weeks to start working. The only real problem I've had is if I miss a dose I get quite dizzy. It is 100% non addictive which is a bonus for medication that treats anxiety! Any questions or worries PM me!

Lots of luck

"This too, shall pass"

22-08-06, 16:38
hi im also on paxil 40 mgs i guess it got me out of a slump i was in for a few months the onlyu thing i get is that it interupts my sleep if its that its been a little over a month now ..wish u luck with it like some one said non additive is a plus..............Linda[8D]

22-08-06, 17:28
I too am on paxil and am on the lowest dosage for anxiety and ocd. I find it very calming and the only side effect I have gotten is I am tired on it. It has been by far the best anti-depressant I have tried for anxiety. Good luck on it. I did get headaches going on it but I also did with all the others too.
Good luck!


"Our thoughts are our reality"

23-08-06, 12:45
It worked well for me but although not addictive in the true sense of the word the symptoms you get when you try to stop taking it are horrendous!!! I became very ill when i tried to come off it even reducing it a tiny bit at a time! Personally i would not touch it with a bargepole but then everyone has different experiences i guess best wishes kaz