View Full Version : so scared

in need of a friend
22-08-06, 00:04
I was left housebound by panic attacks almost two years ago. since then they began to get better, I could go out a bit and i have hardly getting any.

Now Im feeling really tense again, since friday I have just felt like a panic attacks hangging over me waiting to happen. touble is I cant seem to open up to anyone, I just get really bitter and stay in my room. This time round I wont have my partner to help me as we split up several months back (not my choice).

Its a time that I really need people around me but I seem to be pushing them away. I dont know what to do. Im waiting for an appointment to see someone, what if I get housebound again. I cant afford to miss out on this.

22-08-06, 00:07
Please go to your appt. Don't miss out on this chance...you deserve it. Funny how we want to get better so badly but the things we have to do to get over it terrify us.

Good luck,


22-08-06, 14:00
Its a vicious circle isnt it?

At least have a go at getting to your appoinment and you cant do any more than that. I have just been referred for CBT and am dreading going there (dont even know whether its a hospital or a specialist centre - just know Im dreading it).

22-08-06, 14:44
Hi there, sorry you are feeling rough right now. The only advice i can give is, you have got through this before, and you will again, even without your partner, keep your appointment, explain everything, they will help you. You are having a set back, you will not go back down the same road, think positive, look after yourself, eat and drink well, spoil yourself. Did anything specific happen on friday that made you feel worse, or was it 'just one of those awful days'? Obviously splitting with your partner isn't helping, but things will settle in time. take care and keep in touch xxxx

22-08-06, 17:00
H John,

Sorry to hear how you are feeling, please, please John, I know its hard but don't be scared, this will only feed Mrs anxieaty. What your are feeling now is anxiety and I know full well that the feeling of anxiety does NOT always lead to panic. You have done soooo well and come sooo far, be proud of yourself.

I read in your other thread that you go for walks with your dad, you also say that who go's for walks with there dad, well I do, not with my dad though with my mum and I'm mmmm 42 years young, she is not just my mum but my friend as well. You will find alot of men go for walks with there dad and not think anything of it. Keep going for walks with your dad. I know its dame hard but keeping doing the things you have always done.

***what if I get housebound again**** Oh John, please put this thought to one side, change it to a positive thought, say to yourself I have been there and don't intend to be like that again. I know its dame hard John but keep changing your nagative thinking to positive thinking.

I am sorry to hear you have split up with your partner, this must have been sooo hard for you.

I do hope your appointment comes soon.

You take care


in need of a friend
22-08-06, 18:48
Still no news on the appointment, will wait another week.

Im a bit more positive today. I have been getting like that quite often recently. Like every 10 days I just get really bad and then think about my ex. It lasts a few day although it has been getting worse when it happens.

I normally use a different site where I talk to an agony aunt. She said that the best way to get over my ex is to bring something new in to my life. How can I do that when I cant get out?

i am trying to get in contact with someone I went out with a few years back (long story). I traced this persons house, they moved last year with no forwarding address. Im still looking though. It would just be nice to have someone round me who I knew before instead of getting everything new (new friends, job...). Just hope that I hear something back, and soon.

O yea, really want a job. Anyone know of any jobs that can be done at home?