View Full Version : High Heamoglobin

03-12-12, 15:11
Any idea what this actually means please

just got bloods back from dr, have to make app but cant get one till thursday but full blood count has high heamoglobin!! and dont want to google it

also low in b12 but i knew that due to poor nails and thinning hair

Cholesterol 5.5? is that ok high or normal

thyroid etc and all else normal though

03-12-12, 18:44
Hi lovely.

A high haemoglobin can be caused by dehydration. So it could be something as innocuous as that, so please do not worry too much. I think it can also be linking to smoking, so if you are a smoker it may show up higher than normal.

As for your cholesterol - 5.5 is average. Anything between 5.3-6.5 is classified as average, with 5.2 and below being "ideal". So you this shouldn't be too much cause for concern and there are lots of little tweaks you can make to your diet which can help this if you are really worried.

I hope some of that has put your mind at rest.

03-12-12, 20:44

yes i am a smoker between 20-30 a day. have been back in uk for 6 weeks and just felt awful so went for full mot so to speak

ii thought heamoglobin was heart and artery related tho:unsure:

03-12-12, 21:24
It can be related (as is smoking - contributing to artery disease) but I would strongly suspect that if it had been so high that it caused massive concern, the doctors would have had you in straight away. Please try not to fret too much, and remember that the smallest things can sometimes alter our results.

04-12-12, 08:31
managed to get one now for this morning so will update later when im back x

04-12-12, 17:50
dr was not at all concearned so pleased although still jaw ache but i think its tension for flying this friday as i hate it and also being at dentist

04-12-12, 18:00
So pleased the doctors went well. I knew you'd be fine :) Yup, jaw ache is very common in tension; try and do some exercises with your face like slowly opening your mouth and closing. Massaging the jaw area helps me too sometimes.