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View Full Version : Welcome p/a's so the anxiety will ease

22-08-06, 00:14
It's absurd I know to be welcoming a panic attack just so I will be exhausted from it and will finally be able to sleep...but I do!

I just can't stop thinking about the impending doom of my upcoming labor...I know it's been talked about a lot lately and I sincerely apologize if the subject is getting old to some. I just can't cope..I really don't think I can. I don't want to to it. I am terrified that something will go wrong and I won't be around any longer...or that I won't be able to have the joys of my new baby. I can't stop the "what ifs"...it's driving me insane. Everyday is a fight to hold it together and not crawl into myself and become detatched from everything and everyone.

I just have these awful visions...I am just a mess I know. I don't want anything to happen to me or my baby. I just want to be normal and not think this way. It saddens me to think of who and what I have become. Instead of being excited I feel sick inside with fear.

sorry for the rant


22-08-06, 00:26
Hey Tina,

Your wonderful you. If I could do labour for you I would(did I really say that). I just cant wait till its all over till me and you get pissed woman. Loves you and I so know your gonna be fine. Thinking of you.

Take Care


22-08-06, 00:50
hey tina....
i know this is a very over whelming time for you...your gonna do a great job and be a great mom as u are now...its just thots hun .u know what anxiety does to our thinking and having a baby your mind is playing with you....your gonna be just fine i know you will...just remember its only thots...im here for you my friend.....love linda [8D]

22-08-06, 01:43
Thanks to my ladies,

I know they are just thoughts and sucky ones at that! I hate em'...

I don't know that I will be fine or the baby and that is the problem. I want the guarantee and even I know better than that.


Thanks for the words of encouragment..love ya both tons!


22-08-06, 08:58
hi tina,
i know exactly what you're going through, you have the same thoughts i do (did). well, you know the situation as we've talked about it before. it would be great if someone could give birth for you but unfortunatly thats not really likely to happen.:) i know its a big worry but just try to think positive. its just a couple of hours for that one day and then you got the rest of your life filled with joy with your precious baby. im here for you if you need a chat. take care, im thinking of you.
twiglet xxx

22-08-06, 16:33
Hi Tina

Luckily for me when I had my daughter I didn't have panic & anxiety. But I do know about what ifs. We chatted about them the other night!

You're doing a great job. We're all here for you and would hold your hand if we could.

Just hang in there honey.

Lisa. [8D]

22-08-06, 18:05
Thank you all for the kind words. I wish I could bottle them up and take them with me when the time comes. I hate feeling this way...I can't handle the anxiety anymore. If I do get through the birth something else will come up to replace this anxiety...it's just a neverending thing. I don't want the thoughts...the ones that are so real they keep me up at night :(


22-08-06, 20:40
good luck with the baby, when i had my two kids i wa worried but didnt have anxiety attacks then, but you will find that the panic/anxiety will be the last thing on your mind in labour, as for the thoughts i know how disabling they can be, when you get a thought, just let it wash over you and let it float away, you know these thoughts arent real at the moment. just listen to your inner voice (your instinct) and take no notice of the rest
take care

we are all stronger people after having this

23-08-06, 03:01
My dear friend Tina,

How I wish I could take this away from you right now. I think that right now you should try to relax as much as possible and try to keep your mind occupied on other things (difficult I know) by reading novels, watching movies you have always wanted to see, and possibly buy some relaxation tapes to repeat over and over when you start thinking these thoughts. See if your neighbors can watch the baby so that you can take more time for yourself right now. We are here for you and talk about this all you want if it helps, I'm always here for you. I know in my heart you will be fine.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

23-08-06, 05:29

You make me smile! I appreciate your words and friendship so much...I know all of the things that you suggested I should really do. I just don't know how to shut my mind off.

I offer pretty good advice for everyone else and can't even adhere to my own. I don't know why I do that.

I want so desperately to believe that everything will be okay. I also want to be the brave woman I once was. I feel so beaten and weak. It's amazing what anxiety does to you physically and mentally. Blah!

Take Care of You,


23-08-06, 07:52
You can get through this. Your welcoming a life into this world. The baby will mean the world to you. You will love it and protect so much. This child will give you such joy and magic. It is a miracle and a blessing. And a privledge not all can take, be happy in that you can. Do something you think is relaxing: knitting, walking, cleaning. etc. and then gradually set yourself up for sleep. Don't rush it. Think wondrous thoughts of your baby to lull you to sleep. Then sleep. Take care, Tina.

If nothing else...I will survive.

To: SSJHSMH-U are light and my heart and strength. I will protect you in this life or the next always.

23-08-06, 08:10

do you know how to knit ?

Ive been doing alot of knitting lately, I went to library and got a book that teaches everything. I have found it really helps when I get the what ifs ? It keeps the mind busy.

You could knit your baby some cute items ,ahhhhhhhhh !


23-08-06, 17:45

you are bound to be worried, i would be too, i know i laugh and joke about it with you but thats because i love labour and i didnt have my anxiety and panic attacks when i had my kids.
so god knows what i would be like now. i think you are such a brave person.

You will get through it hun, your a tough cookie, and you have got to do it. if i could do it for you i would. just remember that once you are in labour, the only thing you will be thinking of is getting the baby out and getting rid of the pain and then once you have had the baby i am sure you will be able to be at ease a little more.

i am here for you and i know that this is a really difficult time and you have only got a few weeks left but just remember once this baby comes out, thats when the fun begins, sleepless nights, teething, lol

take care, pm me if you need to i am always here for you as you have been for me on many occasions


ruth x x