View Full Version : Drs with Anxiety

22-08-06, 07:24
Hi there everyone
Well, went to Drs yesterday and am coming off Triptophan after 3 weeks as it didnt really do a lot but feeling more positive. Had hyperventilation in waiting room and also with dr but kept slowly calmy breathing from my stomach and just remembering it cant hurt me.
He has referred me to a self help group which is run locally for anxiety and breathing problems. Now its up to me to phone and book an appointment and then start getting some coping strategies for when I feel panic coming on. Will keep you all posted on this. Thanks for listening. Love Wenjoy xx:D

22-08-06, 10:36
Hi wendy

Glad to hear you are feeling more positive and have been using your breathing techniques, Well done you for keeping calm at the surgery you did really well chuck. Hope you manage to join the self help group you can come hear then and give us all some tips. lol!

Take care chuck

Elaine x

22-08-06, 10:47
hi wenjoy

im going to a self help group and its going realy well the lady i see realy helps make sence of everything that is happening to me and oftern prints things out for me to read that puts your mind at rest .

i hope your group helps you as much as the one i go to
good luck


polly daydream
22-08-06, 11:15
Hello Wenjoy, glad to hear you are feeling more positive and good luck with your self help group.

Take care,


22-08-06, 13:58
Yes the doctors itself is sometimes really hard to deal with When I went yesterday, it was quite a stuffy day and he had the door closed and all the windows shut. I was having a serious 'funny turn' I can tell you.LOL.
when he was referring me for CBT he was asking me a few further questions about how and when certain situations triggered my symptoms and I tried to be honest and said when I know I cant get out of somewhere until a certain time (i cant just go when i feel like it) and when i dont feel there is any fresh air coming into the room as I feel so closed in and trapped). He just kept his head down while he noted it all going 'Uh-huh'. Talk about missing a vital point! Some of them know all the text book jargon but lack common sense completely!

22-08-06, 18:25
Thankyou all for your messages. Misacorah - Yep I feel the same as you - I feel trapped and when the door is shut and no windows open and you cant get out when you want to I feel trapped and that makes it worse. What I try really hard to do is not look at the door and not let those thoughts come into my head and try counting backwards from 200 or thinking of whats for tea each night of the week - anything to stop me looking at the door and feeling trapped!!!
Hope your CBT comes thru quickly.Take care. love wenjoy x