View Full Version : Repeat Blood Test tomorrow....worried sick (literally)

04-12-12, 00:08
Hey Everyone,
I posted about six weeks ago about my thyroid. I had a routine blood test then that showed my TSH at 4.8 (should not be higher than 4.5) this indicates hypothyroid. I decided to wait six weeks and retest before committing to lifetime meds and being symptom free. Well it is now six weeks and I have to go tomorrow. I am nervous, sad, sick to my stomach you name it. I just don't want to have a "real" condition and I don't want to take another pill. I have had such struggles with insomnia and I am afraid this med (synthroid) will cause that to start up again.

It is just so frustrating, its like I can't get a break. Isn't this anxiety enough of a burden?

I know I am having a pity party but I just hate this.

Any thoughts?

04-12-12, 02:25
Good luck with your blood test tomorrow I hope it comes back good for you :hugs:

04-12-12, 08:29
I have been been on thyroid tablets for many years now and they have not affected my sleep, so please try not to worry and I do hope that your test shows no problems with your thyroid.

04-12-12, 08:53
It's ok.. I am on thyroid meds.. they made me feel SO much better.

It is an easy manageable condition and for me, the meds have given me NO side effects.

04-12-12, 12:38
Thanks so much all of you. Your support and experiences help me so much. I am glad to hear that you two are on meds and don't have insomnia issues. Of course I "researched" and that is where I got the idea of insomnia.

You guys are so great, thanks again. I go for my blood work at 11am but I won't have the results until tomorrow or Thursday.


04-12-12, 12:45
Did you know that hypothyroid can cause anxiety? So maybe getting on some medication for that will help you a lot!

My mom was on synthroid because she had her thyroid removed and all she did was take a pill every day, it didn't affect her at all.