View Full Version : A new team member says hello

04-12-12, 00:59
Hello everybody I've just joined and I am so glad I've found NMP.
I've had problems with anxiety/depression for quite a few years and sometimes feel it will never go and all that's left is to just get on with it and accept it.

Tried several AD's, some worked for a while, most didn't. I'm just about to try another after 8 months of Sertraline and am dreading it. :unsure:

Anyway, just wanted to say hello.
Thanks for reading!

04-12-12, 01:05
Hi Willow,:welcome: There are so many good people on here, and great post to read that hopefully will make you feel better.:hugs:

04-12-12, 01:11
Hi *willow*

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

04-12-12, 01:24
Hello :) I've been suffering with generalsied anxiety disorder and mild depression for about 5 months now. I wouldn't say I'll ever be cured, but after taking the right steps (self-help, counselling) I've been able to feel a lot better already. Right now, I'm having one of those days where I worry that I will never enjoy anything again and that I'll forever be anxious and depressed. It's very up and down. Some days I'm my old self again, others the anx/depression hits me harder than ever before.

Hopefully we can fight this together :) x

04-12-12, 01:53
:welcome: *willow*


04-12-12, 07:35
Hi Willow,
I will get better and you will even have periods when you will totally forget you have ever had anx.
Its just doesnt go away overnight, you have to be patient and take small steps...

04-12-12, 07:52
:welcome: willow

05-12-12, 23:53
Thank you very much for all the warm welcomes.

06-12-12, 11:10
hello willow:welcome: