View Full Version : I almost threw up?! Panicing!

04-12-12, 02:38
So, most of you know that I suffer from emetophobia and well, 5 minutes ago I swear I nearly threw up! As usual I get that feeling of something coming up my throat (feels like vomit..) but thought it may have been a burp only, so I tried forcing but instead, this foul tasting liquid came up further than it normally does, and it tasted EXACTLY like vomit! It's that one and only taste you never forget! I stopped forcing when that happened because I just don't WANT to throw up! Thing is, I didn't gag, heave or have a watery mouth like you usually do before you throw up... I feel deathly nauseous and my stomach is upset, not hurting, just passing more gas which is (sorry for too much info) foul smelling. I'm SO scared I will throw up! Maybe I have some sort of condition that's causing this? If it is can someone tell me please. I went doctors again today and guess what? Got the same answer as before, 'It definitely sounds anxiety related' when I know for certain it isn't! What should I do? I don't want to live anymore! So SICK of life!

---------- Post added at 02:38 ---------- Previous post was at 02:31 ----------

It keeps coming back up! It definitely feels like vomit but I just don't want to bring it up! Why can't it just stay down and leave me alone? I'm going crazy!

04-12-12, 12:24
It does sound like acid reflux, which can be caused by anxiety. I know we've got another thread about it somewhere on here, but on occasions I've had a bad reflux and done what I term as a "mini sick" - a burp of bile that comes up through your throat.

If you are not convinced that your doctor is right, is there any way of seeing a different one in the same surgery? If you are suffering from this persistently, it may be worth getting a specialist to look down your throat and into your stomach to see if there is any underlying issues. Normally it's really simple; you're producing too much acid.

Also, have you tried eating plain food for a little while? Things like toast, bananas, cereal, pasta. Nothing spicy, nothing acidic. It might just be a build up of this acid, and with a couple of days of eating plainer food, it might settle.


04-12-12, 12:35
Sounds very much like acid reflux to me, too. I've had it often, and it hasn't ever led me to be sick.

Stick to plain foods for a few days until your digestion calms down a bit, and have a spoonful of Andrews Salts in a little water in the mean time to help with the acute symptoms.

04-12-12, 16:32
Thank you guys! I wasn't sick, (thankfully!) although I felt nauseous all night. I relaxed eventually and felt better.

Wow though, I had no idea Acid Reflux could cause this. It's also kind of worrying as it's there an awful lot, and I'm worrying it's something serious. (I'm only 18 :unsure:)

I will definitely stick to a bland diet for a while and see what happens. I will admit, my diet is pretty awful which probably explains why I have this.

Regarding the doctors, you're right, I think I shall make an appointment to see someone else, as I'm getting nowhere with this one. Which is a shame because she's a really nice and gentle doctor. Even if it means having an endoscopy eventually, I will get through it.