View Full Version : Feeling down

04-12-12, 03:30
Hello, havent posted in a while trying to keep myself busy, i dont go to the doctor because i dont have health insurance and im scared to go.. but for over 2 years i have had a neck ache and a forhead headache the headache is never bad just pressure like, feels like sinus's. i went to the doc a couple years ago, gaved me meds for sinus's but did nothing. when i bend my neck forward i can feel the pain go straight to my forehead where the constant pressure is. i try to ignore because if i think about it to much i will get very depressed, every since i was a young boy ive had a horrible fear of a brain tumor, im 25 right now.

04-12-12, 04:51
I will suggest you to go for test or take the physician help, if you cant' then you can join the Yoga classes. There are different type of yoga poses which naturally treats the pain, for more help you can search in the Google or can watch the video on YouTube, before taking any step just join the Yoga forum and discuss with the members you problem.

I alsi suffered from the chronic headache last few years, drugs are just treat only for some times then i take the help of Yoga, i will assure you that it will help you lot.