View Full Version : odd heartbeats

22-08-06, 09:36
Hi everyone
I know I've posted before about this, but I'm having a bit of a bad patch at the moment and am starting to get all worked up again. My heartbeat is skipping, lots of times during the day - and through the night too for all I know, though it doesn't wake me up. I know what is going on and I know it isn't dangerous.. have had tests etc and all clear ...so why does it still bother me?! It feels so awful when it happens! I get the feeling of gaps in the beats, sometimes a very sharp sort of beat almost like a stoke of cramp, can be quite painful - but it's only a beat at a time, not lasting. Propranolol didn't seem to have much effect. Now trying hawthorn berry tablets and magnesium and calcium capsules. Just want a bit of reassurance really... I know it's not only me who gets this...but I'm still very unhappy about it HELP!!! :(

polly daydream
22-08-06, 11:35
Hi sweet, I too get these and yes they are really awfull but as you know they really are harmless, you must try to stop worrying, as you say you have had tests and if if there was a problem it would have been detected, so try to stop getting yourself worked up.

Take care,

Polly x

22-08-06, 11:41

I get the same as you i've had it for 5yrs now. At first they bothered me so much i used to cry all the time, but now i don't get them so much.

I still get them every day but try not to let them bother me i may get them more when i'm resting which annoys me.

Try not to worry about them to much the more you worry the worse they will be.

linda xx

22-08-06, 14:22
i get them too, it feels like your heart stops a beat, like a long pause before restarting again...ive had the tests too but doesnt make them go away..im having a bad time at minute feel like my heart is racing all the time, tight chested and worried im gonna stop breathing...be reassured you are not alonex

22-08-06, 16:41
hi rosekay

yep i get these to and they are so scary i get them every day and night just as i am going to sleep they have stoped me from doing all sorts of things i carnt go shoping or out for a walk without them starting up i know how you feel and as yet i havent found anything to stop them apart from trying not to stress over it (hard i know)


24-08-06, 15:24
Hi everyone
Many thanks for all your support - I'm feeling not too bad at the moment... it really helps when others know what you're talking about and can understand how it feels. Does anyone else find that you can go for a while without 'the happening!' and then when you realise it's not happened for a while, pow! there it goes again?? Onward and upward! Thanks again, all, hope the bad feelings disappear soon..at least we know we're not alone!

24-08-06, 15:56
Yes I find when they are not there. I worry when will they happen again. Sure enough they will start again. Try not to worry. Easier said then done I know.

25-08-06, 12:30
hi rosekay

Yes i can go without ectopics for a few days and then there they are again, i'd love them to go for good but i don't think they will.

I'm glad your feeling a little better apart from having these horrid things.

take care
linda xx