View Full Version : bruise from blood test

04-12-12, 06:29

I had a blood test done yesterday and it's bruised. I read on here about some people getting blood clots from cannulas and am worried now that I'm going to get a blood clot even though it was just a blood test and not a cannula :( Is bruising after a blood test normal?

04-12-12, 08:21
Yes it is normal to have bruising after a blood test. I have my blood tested regularly and 9 times out of 10 there is bruising. It is the leakage of blood out of the vein when they take the needle out and it depends how much leaks out that depends on the size of the bruise. That is why they put a bit of cotton wool on the site and ask you to press hard, this seals the hole. Hope this helps.

04-12-12, 08:54
You are fine :)

I often bruise instantly after a blood test.

Ddcoo is right.. you do not have to worry about this. It is completely harmless, I promise you.

04-12-12, 11:14
Thank you, my HA is playing up a lot at the moment I'm worrying about everything.

04-12-12, 11:16
I always bruise badly after a blood test, like the others have said...you will be fine.

04-12-12, 11:33
Hi Eek,

I had a HUGE bruise for about two weeks after my blood test, i started to think it would never go. Its all gone now, no harm done, your fine! :-D

04-12-12, 13:53
I also bruise after a blood test, however if you press the cotton wool REALLY hard into your arm rather than taping it on, you should bruise less. My normal nurse always does this for me as I am allergic to adhesives but if it is someone different I sometimes forget to tell them, and I always bruise.

04-12-12, 13:54
I get HUGE bruises after blood tests (the width of my elbow, and about 4-5 inches long). It's nothing to worry about.

04-12-12, 14:33
Hi. I always bruise after a blood test, and as I bruise very easily, I end up with a awful looking thing that lasts for a few days. I would of thought most people bruise after having blood taken. :flowers:

04-12-12, 16:13
Hiya, I have health anxiety so I get a lot of blood tests. Pretty much after every test I get a bruise, I think it's mainly because the nurses are not gentle enough. But it's fine. A blood test will not cause a clot. I had a tube stuck in my arm once and to make sure it would be fine they flushed it with salted water. Don't worry :) X

04-12-12, 16:32
Yup, I get bruises on most blood tests too. Only if the nurse is extremely gentle will it not bruise. Like most bruises it takes a while to disappear too, so no need to worry ! :)

04-12-12, 17:10
Incidentally, GPs and Practice Nurses are notoriously "rough" at taking blood samples, as they don't do it regularly (relatively speaking). If you want less of a bruise, you need a Blood Nurse (who's doing it all day, every day) to take the sample! :)

04-12-12, 21:48
I had a blood test a couple of months ago and I had bruising as well. It healed after a few days though. :) It's very common and nothing to worry about.

05-12-12, 04:43
I find that if you keep your arm straight and relaxed after having blood taken, you don't bruise. NEVER bend your arm.

05-12-12, 04:57
Thanks guys. I don't usually bruise, they're pretty good at my clinic, but I had a different phlebotamist this time so that's prolly why.