View Full Version : Still in panic mode, anyone put my mind at ease?

22-08-06, 10:21
Been here before, had a really good week last week, no anxiety at all, then it struck again with the usual health worries causing it!

Feel really tight chested like I'm not breathing properly, which is making me get dizzy spells / mild head rushes. Going round and round in my head, thinkin i'm gonna collapse, die its awful (cant think of anything else). I know deep down its anxiety but what if it is something seriously wrong like lung cancer.

Does anyone else have the above symptoms.


22-08-06, 10:24
I promise you will be fine. I've felt exactly the same way countless times. I've been positive I'm about to drop dead. I've looked up lung cancer before and what you're experiencing are nothing like the symptoms of lung cancer. It's just the fear making you hyperventilate which is causing your diziness and also making your thoughts race. This feeling can only last for so long and in no time you'll be feeling better and safer. I'm really thinking of you coz i've been there myself.

"This too, shall pass"

22-08-06, 10:27
thing is i'm not actually having a panic attack feel as though I am close today.

It is normal to get the dizzy spells throughout the day? i'm so worreid cant take my mind off my breathing, feel i'm not getting enough air and often have to take deep breaths

22-08-06, 10:28
hi langlim

first of all try to relax thats why your breathing is funny when we think about the way we breath we tend to change it i get this a lot my panic comes from getting ectopics when they happen i panic then get like you are now i get dizzy head rushes the lot i have been like it for the last few days now .
if it was lung cancer it would not be like this there are lots of things that come befor this belive me we have just lost 3 people with this in our family
try not to think about it i know hard do some house work go to shop anything that takes your mind off it
love jodie x

22-08-06, 10:28
Hi Laura,

Have you ever tried keeping a diary - put all your thoughts, feelings, symptoms, etc in it. It may help you once you've been doing it a while to look back on it and perhaps think 'oh yeah i felt like this then... and then... but I'm still here'.
Maybe worth a try? I've just started one so can't say if it helps yet but hopefully...

22-08-06, 10:32
yeah I am seeing anxiety managment she told me to keep diary, my anxiety and physical symptoms come on when I start thinking about a ache pain or anything. I was fine last week no aches nothing, this week, coz i'm tight chested and thinking of my breathing all the time i cant think of anything else, i get like fluttering in my chest its awful, feel woozy just writing this now

22-08-06, 10:33
I get dizzy spells often in the mornings too and feel really spaced out its awful,
Try to focus on each task one at a time I know its hard.
Carly xx

22-08-06, 10:33
Hi Laura

Everything you are experiencing is a symptom of anxiety, I have had all the symptoms you describe at one time or another and although they are not pleasant they will go away. The dizziness is due to the way you are breathing and the headrushes are due to an over production of adrenaline, so try if you can to do something active to burn some adrenaline off which in due course will distract you and maybe help with the breathing too.

Here if you want to chat

Take care

Elaine x

22-08-06, 10:36
thank you everyone. i know i can feel better again, its just when? - once the dizzy, woozy feeling goes away i know i'll be fine, its just bloody awful when it happens feels llike there is no end to it

22-08-06, 13:43
hi langlim ive had all the same symptoms for atleast 12 years i no there awfull and at the time every pain is real and every symptom is real ive had cancer brain tumour and everythink else i was rushed to hospital on friday with chest pains and dizziness they kept me over night they said it sounds like a heart attack and kept me there for more tests any way they sent me home the next day and said i was fine but guess wot im waitin to have a heart attack cos i have all the pains in my chest,u see theyve planted a seed in my head and mentioned heart attack so now im convinced ill have one so see hun its just anxiety and its awfull we no take care luv tam

t motown

22-08-06, 13:45
does anyone get like the fluttering feeling??

22-08-06, 13:54
Hi langlim, you sound just like me, i had a great week last week, hardly no symptoms, went shopping, driving...nearly felt normal..then BANG, it all went to pot.On sunday started going lightheaded, dizzy..that weird wobbly feeling kept coming over me..my chest tightness came back with avengence, so of cause started worrying about my heart again!
I feel a wreck at the minute im so worried about my health and why i feel so crap...went into town this morning, thought i was going to collapse and stop breathing, my chest was so tight..a panic attack was close...now im thinking i have got asthma...?!
So you are not alone with this, deep down i know its anxiety, but we always fear the worst...im sorry i cant offer much advice but hope you can be reassured you are not alone with this...i hope next week is another good one for us both!
take carex

22-08-06, 13:58
do you mean heart flutters? cos i get them all the time...also a bubbly wheezy feeling in my chest...not nice at all..but they always pass

22-08-06, 14:00
thats exactly how i feel, i avoid going out incase of a panic attack, went foodshopping yesterday and got dizzy, lightheaded and just wanted to leave the shop.

Since then, i've been on a downward spiral, i cant believe this is just anxiety, I feel i have to keep taking deep breaths to get air in me if you know what i mean, all i keep thinking about is my breathing and its just going round and round in my head, cant think of anything else, my bck really hurts, neck ache, cant breathe lightheade, dizzy, fluttering, its awful, just last week i was absolutely fine.

I know from experience in the past it will go, but its so up and down, one week good then one bad, its always waitin for another attack.

I do know deep down its the anxiety, coz once the panic feeling clears i'm fine, its just finding a way of getting rid of it.

I feel absolutely awful though, seems to go on and on, feels like there is no end to it.

Thanks for youe words they do re-asure me sort of?!?
if only they totally irredicated all my physical symptoms!


22-08-06, 14:08
Do you know what, im sat here all i keep hearing is ambulance sirens, it really makes me think they are coming for me, while im struggling to breathe, having a heart attack or something...i dont think i can take much more i long to feel "normal"

22-08-06, 14:08
it doesnt feel like its my heart fluttering, i cant explain, but yes its in my chest quite high.

And YES thats the prob now like a wheezy feeling on my chest - but there is nothing when I cough, feels really weak, I'm scared to cough too hard!! - and where the wheezy feeling is thats where i get the fluttering. Feels like my heart is really racing but its not - its hard to explain!

22-08-06, 14:11
tell me about it - just wanna feel "normal" again feel like I cant get on with my life, feel as though things have to be put on hold. I've got a date on thurs, now i'm wondering whether to cancel coz i feel like thiss, feel like a burden and a pain in the arse on people.

Its stopping me from enjoying my life! I'm bloody 26!!!
Its not fair

22-08-06, 14:26
i know how you feel, im 26 too and have 2 small children to care for, i cry a lot as im always thinking im gonna collapse and die, and leave my children to grow up with no mum..(with thoughts like this, there is no wonder ive got anxiety and panics...ey?)

22-08-06, 15:14
thats exactly how i feel, I'm a single mum of one my son is two, i always worry what if something happens to me and he cant call an ambulance. I know its silly, but i just worry that if summit happened what would he do? He'd be stuck ere for days just silly thoughts like that. Then of course, I always wana be there for him and worry I wont be, always think i'm gonna die i just seem to be in a constant panic mode all the time.

22-08-06, 15:26
I feel that im in a hole and cant get out of it...cos whenever i do i get knocked straight back in....i have my better days when i feel i can tackle it, but then these physical symptoms just take it out of me...like today my hearts been racing all day and all i can think of is "heart attack" and "die"...its so depressing..i feel this site is brilliant and it is my lifeline as no one else understands.......my partner supports me but hasnt a clue really, he just tells me to fight it and be strong, he just doesnt understand how hard it is.......
(i hope you feel better to go on your date on thursday..good luck)x

22-08-06, 15:58
hi guys

langlim and everyone

im also a mum of one and have thoughts that what if somthing happens to me i dont want to leav mt little girl to grow up on her own .
i get the fluttery feeling in my chest its is very scary iv been told its an ectopic heart beat i get dizzy carnt breath and allways taking deep breaths not nice
i think it would be nice if we kept this post going and support each other as we all seem to be getting the same thing.
hope you are all feeling a bit better

22-08-06, 16:02
Hi Jodie,

I think you are right, we do all seem to have the same problems! - Is ectopic beat serious (sounds it)! - think thats what i must be getting, as when I'm in panic mode I get the fluttering quite bad and will last on and off all day, usually for a couple of days (is that normal)? I'm not in any pain, its more annoying more than anything. Coz I know its my mind causing it! - I need more to think about, its being stuck in watching kids telly and toys -no mental stimulation! so of course worrying about illness.

22-08-06, 18:33
Hi there Langlim

I so know wha tyou mean - i am exactly the same with my breathing and trying to deep breathe in coz Im scared which makes me more dizzy - everything everyone says on here is TRUE - its anxiety and the more we feel we cant breathe the more the body pumps out adrenaline and makes us dizzy - try doing something for 5 mins to tak eyour mindoff it then you will be surprised that its gone and you are fine - I work in a shop and had this all day and I threw myself into my serving customers and talking about the weather etc and after l5 minutes I suddently thought "wow - i feel great - wow"

Try it. good luck and hang on in there its only anxiety I assure you.

Take care. Love wenjoy xx

22-08-06, 21:58
hi langlim

i have had ecttopics for 7 years and had tests and everything and the doc told me i was fine they dont harm you just not nice please dont stress about them as this makes them worse

23-08-06, 19:05
hi there my names joanne i suffer from health anxiety plus i work in a hospital on a ward which makes it worse, i hate the feeling of my heart beating fast it gives me anxiety, i have got a bloodpressure monitor at home which i keep taking my bloodpressure to check my pulse,i even get that feeling that the back of my throat is closing and dry, and i yawn all the time and feel like i am not getting enough air so i have to breath up, i am not hyperventilating because thats when you breath fast and my stomach at the top is tense, its just all anxiety i keep saying, but you do think the worst like you have got lung cancer, anyway take c x