View Full Version : DVT of unexplained calf pain???

04-12-12, 14:42
I know no one here is a doctor and I'm not looking for a diagnosis, just want to rant for a minute and perhaps know if anyone does this.

So this morning I wake up with a sore area on my calf, kinda like a bruise under the skin feeling. No swelling, heat, redness, etc... I had this feeling about a week ago and then it went away after about a day. Now its back again and I am freaking out its a DVT. Of course I have pushed and touched the area for like two straight hours, but now there is pain when I walk a little, discomfort more like. It comes and goes but radiates down a little into my ankle. Of course I can't stop obsessing about it. If I ignore it and don't worry about it, that could be bad because it could be a DVT. UGH!!

Two years ago I wouldn't have done this. Why can't I just think, 'weird I have a little calf discomfort'? NOOO, I have to immediately assume its DVT! Anyone else experience this?? Should I be worried??

05-12-12, 03:17
Would pain with a dvt in the calf come and go or stay constant?

05-12-12, 03:22
I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. The pain you're experiencing now is probably from poking it for hours and you've irritated the muscle.

I'm terrified of DVT and i'm always worried that I have it. I know it's hard but we both need to remind ourselves that it's just anxiety.

Sending you much <3 and positive thoughts xx