View Full Version : job offer

04-12-12, 19:29
well today ive been head hunted for a job, i use to work with this chap in the summer selling solar power , but they were unreliable so most the staff left anyway this guy has set up his own company and its doing really well, he phoned me this morning as he wants me to cover part of cornwall with another bloke that lives near by and has a car ( he no's i lost my lisence ). but the big question is am i ready ? my family dont want me to take the job as they feel im way to anxious, i must admit im not sure it's a great idea at the moment my mood is very low. im already getting negative visions of myself working in a town miles away with a stranger and having a bad anxiety attack.
its quite depressing thay im having to consider turning the job down ,it has only been 6 weeks since i was in a right pickle, and drs are about to reduce my meds.
i will add that the difference between me going out and selling in the summer compared to now was i hadnt had a panic attack in years then , ive been in hospitiol since then which is when i started getting panic again attacks,
my dr has said she would sign me back on as i wouldnt be working with machinery, so come on guys what do you reckon ??

04-12-12, 21:37
I personally think you may as well go for it - if you don't enjoy it you can always leave. But at least you will have tried. If you turn it down, you might regret it later. It's an honour to be headhunted for a job - the owner of the company must think highly of your skills. :)

04-12-12, 22:01
If you feel up to it go for it, but I would take into consideration the opinions of your family, they are the ones who know you best.

If it didn't work out would you become more depressed that you are now, if so it is not worth putting your mind and body through the turmoil.

You should be proud of yourself whatever you decide, someone values your abilities in the workplace, that is a very big compliment.

Good luck.

04-12-12, 22:02
Go with your gut BUT in my opinion as a serious panic attack sufferer, if it was far I couldn't do it! Don't want to put you off, I'm being honest!:winks:

It would be a huge achievement if you did though, and as Boobydog says such a huge compliment , anyway.

Good luck

04-12-12, 23:15
On the other hand, the job and routine that comes with it could help to reduce your anxiety. It does for me. Your choice of course but I think work can be the best therapy, as long as you don't push yourself too far.


05-12-12, 08:48
if i take the job and the have to give up i believe my sick pay would go out the window as i chose to leave rather than being sacked im sure thats how the system works, ive got serious doubts on wether i can do this at this time , if im struggling with my hobbies which is suppose to be plesure then work on the other hand is gunna be a right mission.
i cant afford to take it on then end up being at home because of anxiety as my debt will get worse its a frustrating situation to be in, its making me miserable i wish i never recieved the phone call now , this company has a great reputation but the pay is comission only so if im not out there doing the sales then its a big problem

05-12-12, 09:10
I would think over it again and look at it as an opportunity to change things around you, and not as extra stress. Ok you will be stressed but in a good way. And there are not that many jobs about in the uk these days so you are lucky in away.
But whatever you decide - dont worry anout it - if not this job then there will another one - as long as you will want to get back to work.

05-12-12, 10:09
I take it its cold calling selling the stuff if its comission only ?

If it was a regular wage I think it would be worth considering, but you could end up spending loads of time doing it, and get nothing in return, or less than you get now not working.

I think it is hard as you need to make a decision that you are definitely ready to work and be able to commit to it.

05-12-12, 10:48
ive seen my gp today he would really like me to give it a go , but i told him i have a job to go fishing with friends let alone work, theres not alot else he can say its my choice its down to me at the end of the day.
the doc is right in saying that sitting around at home is not doing me any favours with constent thoughts of failure everyday

05-12-12, 13:51
Are doctors actually allowed to reduce your meds without your permission? If you are still struggling with your hobbies it sounds like you're not ready to taper off yet, unless they're transferring you to a different medication? If you don't feel ready to take this job offer, its probably best if you turn it down for now, but ask if there may be other opportunities at the same company in future.

05-12-12, 20:20
so i saw my dr this morning he really wants me to try this new job , so i phoned up the area manager and he came and met me this afternoon i explained to him that id been into hospitol recently ( i said with stomach problems) didnt wanna say pancretitis incase he thought i was a total piss head, and that i have to go to hospitol on monday to see how my stomach is progressing which is true i made it clear im keen to take the job he said i could start on tuesday if all's well,I havnt said anything about my depression/anxiety.
my family are really not to pleased im attempting this .
the reasons i think i should go for it are
1 self employed so you can work when it suits u so if im having a bad day i dont have to go
2 you only have to try and get 2 sales a day once youve done that u can go home or keep going to try and earn more money
3 im not confined to an office where if i have an attack im gunna have to run out like a nutcase
4 lots of your work can be done from home on the phone so u dont get soaked when its raining
5 its really good money on average take home £350 per week sometimes more , he showed me last weeks wages and a guy that lives near me did £650 last week

now the reasons against
1 im a bag of nerves and freak out door knocking
2 i go of to a town with my boss in his car and i cant handle it
3 get called up to exeter main office for a training day and i cant go because of nerves
4 i work so little that i would earn more money on the sick

feedback please??

05-12-12, 21:26
Hi there,

As I said before, it's your call and only you can make the decision. You do have to think carefully about what would happen if you had to give it up and whether the work suits you. That type of sales job isn't for everyone, as Mike said, but it sounds like you've done it before and are pretty good at it.

I don't know your situation but I strongly believe that work is one of the best therapies to give you something to aim for and some structure in your day. The big question to ask yourself is are you ready to commit to something that's going to be incredibly hard work and will you see it through when leaving the house is the last thing you feel like doing but that could actually put you firmly on the road to recovery?

You'll have a very difficult few weeks if you take it but, get through that and your life could improve dramatically.

Just my view...


05-12-12, 21:33
i totally agree i see the start being a bit of a nightmare but if i can keep at it times will get easier , ive got to go to work at some point

05-12-12, 21:50
Starting a new job is difficult for anyone, let alone an anxiety sufferer but if you're determined enough, you can do it. It's really important you go into it with yours eyes wide open and knowing exactly what's expected of you but I think you know that.

Did your GP suggest any meds to help you with the first few weeks? Beta blockers?


05-12-12, 22:15
Hi maximus, I've learnt the hard way, everything does ' really ' come down to money!

First think about it financially. Then the impact this could have on your health, then think about the logistics of physically and mentally deling with the daily routine of ~ work!

If money is a issue & if it does prove difficult ,how difficult will it be to sort out your benefit? It shouldn't be but, money is the centre of everything and it's really important you consider your finances! If it all went wrong your money situation could seriously affect your anxiety ! I know I sound humdrum BUT, although money isn't everything you need to really consider all possibilities. And I think the first issue here is money. Having said that you sound really positive and if your doc has spurred you on to do it, that's a very good sign , so for you you may find that ~ financially your a lot better off!

Only you can really know, but seriously consider your money and worse case scenario.

06-12-12, 11:19
im already on beta blockers aswell as mitrazipine and lorazepam , so im on everything that someone suffering like i am, money wise from all the reps ive spoke to it could change my bank balance completly.
as regarding going back on the sick the dr has already said if things dont work out he will sign me back on the sick as he no's im trying my best.
it's thursday today and im getting worked up about the whole situation , part of me wish i never got that phone call as its put me under unwanted presure, having to make my mind up on what to do.
i no for a fact if they phoned me up and said we need you to come up to head office which is 200 miles away id be struggling big time.
im in debt at the moment and this could be the way out but if i trial and fail it could really make my anxiety worse.
infact even the job offer has increased my anxiety which is crazy in itself .
so theres two ways it can go the first my confidence grows and i can handle the job.
or i fail my anxiety gets work it may trigger panic attacks and i have to go back on the sick
im so confused

06-12-12, 16:36
The reason I mentioned benefits/ money is... I got signed off by my docs and when I submitted the form at that time, the response! No not entitled to sick pay ESA ??? Because I'd not payed enough NI contributions in the last 2 years! And my hubby wrks more than 25hrs a week! Joke - thought they wanted people to work as much as possible! Penalised for trying! Just shocking I've always worked had 2 babies and gained a BSc in between BUT because when I'd fell ill I was out of maternity and back studying a postgraduate course, unlucky~ but it really sucks - made my anxiety worse - just bought new house massive mortgage. Scary:scared15: that's why i get soo worried for people who suffer, as I do, because being near destitute and having severe anxiety is just awful. If you knowyou'll still be able to get back on benefits ok, I'd say in that case, try it, see ow the job goes.:winks:

06-12-12, 17:48
i have to see the dr tomorrow who has a different opinion and wants me to stay on the sick for a while longer, i will discuss the pros and cons of my situation and then take it from there i dont no why im getting so worked up as i have until tuesday to decide , and i didnt even no about the job three days ago !!
one thing that really did worry me is i was playing snooker this afternoon i was sick and then the worst stomach pains came on as bad as when i first developed pancretitis i made my way home straight and lied down, i really thought i was gunna have to phone 999 but i held on and the pains are not as bad now, im just sipping water im gunna give dinner a miss i hope it is just a bug.
anyway im still no further into making my decision as to wether i take this job or not, i no one thing im filled with self pitty and jelousy that all my family are in work and enjoying there spare time doing lots of nice stuff where as im stuck to my house and the local village snooker hall, guess it all seems worse today as om feeling sick