View Full Version : Bad HA- Tensing up issue...Trying to gain weight

04-12-12, 20:52
Hi Guys

Ive not really been on here as much as i used to as ive been trying as much as possible to ignore my HA and just get on with life. Unfotunaltly over the last few months i have been through a few couple of stressful experiences, some life and some health related which i dont really want to get into on her as some are very personal.

Basically November 2011 after have my 2nd child 2 months before i was around 63kg, in April 2012 i was 56kg then in september this year i was 8.5 stone which i think is 53kg....I am skinny anyway at a size 8 but the weight loss has bothered me...the doctor has never really said anything but i just cant get the C word out of my head.

Ive been trying to put on weight but ive been failing by not eating as i should...

My main issue now is tensing...I never used to do this as i dont know if it became a habit during my stressful point, ie tensing to stop crying or showing emotion.
When i walk i feel like my legs are tense, my muscles havnt got bigger but my legs def feel harder to the touch...like the fat has just burned out of them...My face aches by the evening and im always catching myself in the mirror tensing my face, even now tyoing this my cheeks feel like they have had a workout.

I never used to do this but i want to stop so much as i know that being tense can burn calories and i just dont want to loose anymore weight. Im sick of people saying 'you've lost weight' or your super skinny...i just want to gain weight and be happy...

Does anyone else tense like this....how can i just stop this happening...


04-12-12, 21:33
I do tense up so much, and I to have been losing weight at an alarming speed. I'm not sure what your weight means, we do weight different, but I do understand size, and I was a 6 now a 3, and I am tired of people saying, you need to gain weight also. I do eat, and I eat a lot of junk I love cake, candy, etc. But being nervous, or tense all the time I just can't gain weight. Also I notice that my muscles are always sore, and I think that is from being tense all the time also. (then that makes me nervous) Hope we gain weight soon. :hugs:

04-12-12, 21:34
Have you had any counselling? It may help for you to learn some relaxation techniques. I remember that I lost weight after my second child and a lot was just because I was super busy and active running around doing everything a mum does. You also admitted you are not eating as you should so I think the weight loss is due to a combination of these things. :hugs:

04-12-12, 23:35
Like you I'm trying to gain weight, and finding it an uphill struggle. My advice there is that rather than turning to junk foods, stock up on white carbs (white bread or wraps, pasta, rice, potato, pastry etc.) and if you want a snack, have biccies, chocolate or ice cream. I've been keeping a track of my calorie intake at the suggestion of my herbalist, and have found that I've gone up from around 1800 calories a day to nearly 2300 calories a day pretty much just by switching to white carbs, having a chocolate/cake snack a day, and drinking a strawberry milkshake (whole milk) each day. It's been helpful for me to watch the calories go up, as I feel like I'm making progress in the right direction.

I'm also terrible for tensing - especially in my shoulders - and have been for years. An old boss of mine suggested that I should set an alarm to go off every 15 minutes to remind me to relax my shoulders during the day. Eventually (and he said it would take some time) he said I would "un-learn" the tensing.

05-12-12, 21:15
Thanks Guys!!! :)
I dunno, im just so fed up with having this now....i always remember back to before i had this anxiety issue, i was such a happy person and never worried about anything health wise, if i had a cold, i had a cold...not an auto-immune problem etc etc....

the weight thing has def been my most recent obsession, i would love to buy some scales and thing 'ok, im going to monitor this and sort it out' but i know if i have lost any further weight i will just go further down the route of this.....

maybe i need to see the doctor again and explain this better, without leaving the surgery thinking 'well, nothing came from that, nothing resolved' which is usually the case.

I wonder if i will ever rid this....


05-12-12, 21:42
Cheese and white bread helped me to gain weight . Not very healthy choices I know, but it was worth it to me as I had dropped to 7 stone 5lb and had begun to look very gaunt. I don't find it easy to put weight on though, every time I had an anxious day I lost the few pounds I had gained.