View Full Version : Burglars. Who'd have em

05-12-12, 09:56
Me, apparently!

For everyone out there suffering from a phobia or anxiety, I feel your pain! I have been reading some of the posts on this forum and can recognise so many of the same things... the power it has, the way it can just send you off course at a moments notice, the way it makes you dependent on others. It's generally very crap. If I had a magic wand I would wave it right away, so we could all just get on with our lives and be the best of who we are. Imagine our collective power and what we could all do if we were freed from fear?

That is quite an interesting thought.

So, I'm Lizzie. I'm 28, and have been suffering from a severe fear of burglars, well for atleast 3 years in its present, often-struggle-to-get-in-the-house state, but when I think about it, I've been scared of them my whole life.

It didn't have a start, I don't think. Just an always-been-there.

And then 3 years ago I was burgled. Some plonka, some total unknowing plonka with great big muddy boots, broke in whilst I was upstairs.

And from that moment, the fear I was able to push away as irrational, came out in a great big multi-coloured fan-fare like a huge ferris wheel. Kazzam.

I was terrified. And that terror re-visits on a regular basis. It physically over powers me. No matter how much mental strength I throw at it, my will power and detirmination has an over-ride switch. In the form of a huge-heart-thumping-boom and a I'm not a celebrity, but-get-me-out-of-here kinda way.

Very annoying and irritating when you need to get something done. Or just rest, actually.

So that's that part of me.

The other part, and the part that gives me a warm glow, is my business I run. I run programmes for children in woodlands, teaching them practical woodland skills and bushcraft, but also help to develop their confidence, self esteem and social skills.

I love it. 100% love it. Giving others the opportunity to challenge their own fears, grow, explore and be autonomous is just fab. And we have ALOT of fun too.

So, I'm eternally optimistic about my anxiety dissolving away and eternally optimistic about others anxiety being able to do the same. We can do it!

05-12-12, 10:04
What a lovely job you have :) and you sound so positive even with all that has happened to you. I know how distressing a burglary can be. It has not happened to me but last December my youngest son (22) was burgled. He had just finished uni and started his first job. He shared a house with a friend. They came home one night and found they had been broken into. My son had his new £1500 lap top and £4000 of camera/film equipment stolen. After promising me he would get insured, he hadn't done it. I was devastated for him, he was in tears, how could someone do that to him! It has made him nervous in his own home. He has since moved into a flat with alarms. You seem to be so positive though and yes you are right...we can do it!!

05-12-12, 10:06
Hi Thimblethread

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

05-12-12, 10:15
Hello Thimblethread and welcome to No More Panic.

I also have a fear of burglars since we had an intruder who was circling our house at 2am trying to get in and howling like a wolf ten years ago. I don't like being alone after dark although I have to be a lot of the time as my partner works.

It's actually the least of my fears that they might steal something. I'm afraid of being attacked. I live in the middle of nowhere and don't even have a land line anymore. My mobile only gets a signal sometimes.

I think the best thing to do is to remember that for every home that gets burgled there are many homes that never do. I had a great guard dog for 14 years. I still have two dogs now but they would be useless in a crisis so I am thinking about getting another good guard dog. Maybe I'll go the whole hog and get something enormous! That should scare them away!

I hope you enjoy yourself on NMP. Don't forget we have a great chat room here. I pop in to distract myself when I'm feeling scared. :)

05-12-12, 10:20
Hi Annie, thanks for your message.

Yes, I have found living in flats easier, with alarms. I found though that living in a flat was making my world smaller rather than bigger, and I started to get anxious about other stuff instead. I decided to try not to pander to the fear as much. I am less anxious than I was.... I still have major relapses, but on the whole, I am getting better. I've got my family on board now too. So its not like I'm experiencing it alone anymore..

Reading these posts has started to get me thinking about doing some kind of woodland anxiety group thing. Share anxiety experience whilst learning how to build a camp fire.

05-12-12, 10:21
I have a guard cat! He attacked one of my neighbours who just walked straight into the house to see me (I was expecting them but my cat wasn't!)

05-12-12, 10:26
Hehe, my cat is just dosy!!

---------- Post added at 10:26 ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 ----------

Hi Rain,

Thanks for your message. Its good connecting with others who also have an anxiety problem!