View Full Version : Gallbladder Op just round the corner

22-08-06, 11:51
Have been to the dentist to have fillings and managed that quite well (didnt panic much!!) but i am sooooo pooing myself about next thursday, i keep trying to tell myself that i will be alright and nothing will happen but i am still scared. What if i dont come round from the general ani, what if something goes wrong while i'm on the op table. i know i ma being neurotic but i cant help it.

Any advise would be sooo welcome at this mo.


22-08-06, 14:56
Hi again darling! Well done with dentist....next week will be a doddle compared to that. I can promise you will most definately come round after your operation.. I would lay lots of money on it if i were a gambler! Of course you will be anxious, anyone would feel the same mate (panic or not) but afterwards you will notice such a huge difference to your lifestyle it will be so worth it. You are not being neurotic what-so-ever, it is natural to feel this way, in the build up, take things as easy as you can, eat well, sleep lots, spoil yourself, your life will turn around after the op.and think what advice you can give to others here! speak soon my little cherub. xxxxxxjean

22-08-06, 15:43

i had an op about 7 years ago on my tummy i was so scared befor i went in and when i go there they were so nice to me i had a pre med that helped lots and had the op and was fine im sure you will be to they know from the tests and things they will have done or do on the day that you are healthy to get this op or they would not do it .
good luck with it all

22-08-06, 15:55
Promise you will be fine, i had this op 7 years ago was home the next day, what your feeling is natural.

Take care and good luck


s shaw

22-08-06, 16:42
Hi Liz.

You been to the dentist? Well done you! Just the thought of it gives me chills..

Last year I had an op on my arm and was worried, like you, that I wouldn't be around after. I even wrote letters to people to open in the event(!). Of course I was fine. The nurses and doctors were lovely when I explained about the anxiety and the fact I wanted to run away so they better keep an eye on me.

My GP gave me diazepam to take the edge off, and I had my rescue remedy too. My hubby held my hand and said he wasn't going anywhere til he had me back.

You coped with the dentist, you'll get through this too. And feel a lot better after.[8D]
