View Full Version : MS & Glandular fever???

05-12-12, 10:46
Hi.... I googled lots yesterday... yeah I know
But I was reading through a MS forum of peoples symptoms to see if I could somehow reassure myself and loads of people were talking about 'mono. I had never heard about this, but it was an American forum and I worked out that they were meaning glandular fever.

Lots of people were saying that there is a connection between having Glandular fever as a child and getting MS..... I am now definitely freaking out, as what with all the numbness and pins and needles I am experiencing I did get GF when I was 13 and was wiped out for a few weeks! I am 38 now. This is my second bout of numbness symptoms, the last one was in August.

Some people were saying that they are diagnosed with MS in their 30's but looking back could have had it for years! I had a bout of severe vertigo in my early 20's where I had to have a brain MRI which showed up as normal. Have had a few very mild bouts since then. Could this have been the start?

So much for Dr Google helping me... when will I ever learn ey?

I just wish these symptoms would bugger off and leave me alone.

I remember feeling like this last Christmas about some other illness and I just want to enjoy a peaceful illness free Christmas with my lovely family.

Thanks for listening everyone X

05-12-12, 15:49
Hi I have heard of the link between gf and ms too but just think there are many people who have had gf that have not gone on to develop ms. Also I would have thought when you had an mri scan any lesions associated with ms would have shown up in that if you had it xx

05-12-12, 16:10
I had glandular fever when i was 18 (43 now). Never heard of people developing ms after it but i have had m.e/cfs for the last 11 yrs. I have had 2 brain mri's in that time and both were normal. My sister in law has ms and alot of my symptoms are similar to hers but that's the same with alot of illnesses.
Anxiety can have loads of similar symptoms to m.e as well. I never know what's with what anymore.