View Full Version : It's just one fear after another!

05-12-12, 11:50
Argh! I don't know what to do anymore. I've been told my blood pressure is fine as is everything else! CTs have ruled out anything serious! So why can't I ever relax!? Why am I STILL pent up and terrified of strokes or locked-in syndrome!?!?!? I'm losing my mind.

05-12-12, 11:57
Awww Ziggy, You are healthy, all your test are fine, its just a scarey thought. :hugs:I was hoping you were feeling better. It is so hard to erase your fears. I forget have you tried counseling yet?

05-12-12, 12:11
Hang in there, I am new here as well and I too am having a bad day of anxiety im trying to remain positive I know how u fee:bighug1:l keep try to keep positive and we try and ride it out together