View Full Version : Panic again :(

05-12-12, 11:55
Hi I am back again :(
I had a rescan of swollen neck lymph nodes last Thursday, I posted about what the sonographer said but briefly he said I have reactive lymph nodes approximately 6mm they are swollen but have not grown since last scan. He thinks it could be tooth related.

Anyway follow up appointment with doctor today and he again asks me about night sweats, weight loss etc oh I know these point to lymphoma and that's why his asking. I have not had these that I know of but have had weird sorr throat type symptoms he then sends me for a blood test. Cue panic...... I now have to wait for results which are almost certainly going to come back abnormal as there is obviously an infection of sorts somewhere, I am scared of what is going on and thinking I am going to be sent for a biopsy, tho the only lymph nodes I can feel is one behind my ear smaller then a pea and the other swollen ones I can't really feel but doctor can and ultrasound sees them :((

05-12-12, 12:04
I'm sorry you don't feel well. (try not to jump to conclusions, until you here back from the Doctor) I know that is really hard, but it will just send you into panic. A simple tooth can make them grow, any kind of infection. (you are in good hands, with your Doctor) I have a thyroid nodule, Ughhhhh long story there, but anyway I have to have it checked every year, and last year they told me I have one on the other side, I never new.(freaked out) Have to be re-checked next month, and I am also scared. I know how you feel. So anyway an ultrasound will pick up on anything they are looking at. Doesn't mean it's bad. Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

05-12-12, 12:33
I have quite a few that are 6 mm or bigger, and had a whole range of blood tests come back normal. I also think that if they are abnormal, your doctor would be able to tell the difference between abnormal from just an infection or from something more serious. Did you have it taken already? Now just the wait, which is awful. I think I called my doctor twice a day every day ... it ended up taking maybe 3 days to get my results, faster than they said (made me nervous) bt everything was good.

Hopefully the results are able to give you some peace of mind. :hugs:

05-12-12, 12:56
Thank you for your replys.
Blood test done today so now the wait :( the sonographer at the hospital showed me the scan as he was doing it and tried to put my kind at rest on how it was presenting itself and said it was reactive.
I have ongoing wisdom tooth trouble specially on the left side but keep being tormented with the idea it is not that and instead cancer :(

05-12-12, 14:12
I hope that you get better soon and that the results come back fine. I am currently too waiting for results back from the doctor about my heart. I started panicking and worrying myself sick. It's hard to do otherwise but my dad always says 'don't panic or be scared of something you don't know'. There's no point worrying because it will probably be fine.' You can start worrying once the doctor says something is actually wrong. Until you don't get results there's nothing you can do. Try not to worry because by worrying you can get yourself ill. I worry so much and get a lot of panic attacks and now I have IBS. Take care! :)

06-12-12, 12:34
Oh my I just popped to Tesco and there was a charity lady collecting for leukaemia and lymphoma I have now interpreted this as a sign or warning

---------- Post added at 12:34 ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 ----------

Just rang doctors for results and there is something wrong with them :( doctor is ringing me later to talk to me so scared :((

06-12-12, 12:40
Awwwww, why do we do that? Try to remain calm until you speak with the Doctor, it might be good news, for all you know. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are. we will be here for you. Good luck :hugs:

06-12-12, 13:26
Definitely wont be good news results came back so quick and doctor wants to speak to me oh I am so worried