View Full Version : Interesting development - tongue

05-12-12, 12:04
Hey all,

After noticing my tongue had a yellow coating on it a few days back i began to act upon it.

I have started brushing it and scraping it (with a tongue scraper) and the yellow clears off quite a bit which is nice. Although it does seem to be coming back every morning, not as bad as it was when i discovered it but its annoying me.

Anyway i think this is somewhat a normal thing and nothing to panic about...BUT, its starting to get to me a little bit, and i don't want to return to my doctor as i'm pretty sure its nothing and i'm wasting his time.

The interesting development is i started using corsodyl mouthwash a about two weeks back, i read, first on the net then on the bottle that this can temporarily stain the tongue. Im obviously going to stop using it and see what happens because i'm sure i would of noticed if i had a yellow tongue before then.

So basically, has anyone had any experience with yellow tongue, mouthwash staining or anything to help me?

p.s. i read it can be caused by liver problems/jaundice etc. But i dont think i would be able to brush it away if that was the case + i have no other symptoms.

Sorry to go on! Cheers everyone! x

05-12-12, 14:09
I have this, but more on the roof of my mouth. And it has an orange tint. I only noticed it while looking in mirror in the car.
I think it is prob coffee stains... I also used to drink lots of soda.

05-12-12, 14:51
Corsodyl can stain the teeth and mouth quite badly. In fact, my dentist recommended it be used only for 2 weeks at a time because of this.

I have a bit of a yellow tongue and worried about liver problems too but my perfectly healthy husband has a similar colour and puts it down to coffee. Please try not to worry xx

05-12-12, 15:34
I have a weird tongue colours myself. Often I get white or yellow coating on my tongue. It can be caused by what you eat or just by chewing on a vitamin C tablets. It's nothing serious so don't worry. I have had this for a long time and it comes and goes. Just make sure you always brush your tongue with your toothbrush twice a day and you'll be fine! Take care :)

05-12-12, 20:41
Cheers for the reply's guys.

Im trying not to let it bother me but as we all know anxiety makes it difficult, i don't want another trip to the doctors as it makes me feel stupid because he will tell me its normal and nothing is wrong. But on the other hand will it be on my mind until i have the doc check it.

The reasonable person without HA would wait a few days not use the corsodyl and it would probably clear up....oh well!

Cheers for the reply's guys! x