View Full Version : Getting really nervous :(

05-12-12, 13:31
I've got an ultrasound appointment on Friday & I'm getting really nervous. I've been nervous since I received the letter but now I'm starting to feel ill with the anticipation :( I'm really worried because my main phobia (if I can call it that) is needing the loo when out and whenever I do go out I get so nervous that I'm always desperate for the toilet! For the ultrasound they want me to drink 1.5L of water & not go to the toilet for an hour! I really don't think I can do it, it's making me so scared, I know it sounds really silly. I don't know whether to cancel it - does anyone know how long you have to wait and how long the scan lasts or what to expect? :(

05-12-12, 13:32
What is the scan for...if you don't want to say on here you can pm me

05-12-12, 13:39
It's for my ovaries to check for cysts, I went to the doctors after I had some pain/discharge (sorry if TMI!) and they referred me for this scan though that was 3 weeks ago now and the pain has gone so I don't know whether I still need to go and put myself through all this stress if there's nothing wrong - sorry for the long-winded answer :)

05-12-12, 13:45
Ok..I have had this and I have a weak bladder so couldn't hold enough water for the time I was supposed to. If they notice your bladder isn't full enough they will do an internal scan instead. It is not painful at all. If you think of when you have a smear test..it is no where near as uncomfortable as that. I have had it done twice now and the first time my bladder wasn't full enough. The second time I have to admit I made sure my bladder wasn't full enough because it was more comfortable for me to have the internal scan then it was to have a full bladder :)

---------- Post added at 13:45 ---------- Previous post was at 13:44 ----------

If you have any more questions please ask.

05-12-12, 14:42
Thanks for your response! I've never had a smear (I'm only 19) so don't think the internal scan will be for me! Do you know roughly how long you have to wait (I know it varies) and how long the scans usually last? I presume they both take a similar amount of time. I'm just so nervous that I'll need the toilet to bad and have a panic attack or something!

05-12-12, 14:47
I would ask about the internal as I think you may still be able to have it as it doesn't go in far. I would phone them and tell them your fears. They were really good when I went. You usually don't have to wait long.

05-12-12, 15:36
I agree with Annie. Give them a call and just explain to them how you are feeling - I'm sure they will be very helpful.

I had to have an ultrasound on my ovaries because I have cysts and they wanted to check they hadn't grown anymore. I was seen on time and the whole procedure probably took about five minutes. I would definitely go to the scan - I'm not saying I think something is wrong, but I think the anxiety of not knowing by cancelling the appointment would outweigh the anxiety of needing the toilet.

Try and break down the 1.5lt into three stages - that way you can train your mind into thinking you've not drunk as much as you have. If you drink it in one go you'll instantly be thinking "I've got all this liquid inside of me and it needs to come out" - breaking it down means your mind may relax a little.

I hope it goes well and it's really nothing to worry about :)

05-12-12, 17:13
I didn't need an internal scan as I'm very slim so maybe you'll get away with it. Also drink plenty, that helps!

The scan is so quick, I was out within 15 minutes and results a week later.

Best of luck xxx

05-12-12, 20:14
I've got an ultrasound appointment on Friday & I'm getting really nervous. I've been nervous since I received the letter but now I'm starting to feel ill with the anticipation :( I'm really worried because my main phobia (if I can call it that) is needing the loo when out and whenever I do go out I get so nervous that I'm always desperate for the toilet! For the ultrasound they want me to drink 1.5L of water & not go to the toilet for an hour! I really don't think I can do it, it's making me so scared, I know it sounds really silly. I don't know whether to cancel it - does anyone know how long you have to wait and how long the scan lasts or what to expect? :(

I had to go for an Ultrasound last Tuesday on my leg, i was REALLY nervous in the week leading up to it. My appointment was in the evening( it was dark, maybe that helped) My appointment went fine, i'm glad i went now, even with all the anxiety leading up to it!:yesyes:

08-12-12, 16:24
Thanks so much for all your help Annie :) missybct and savannah your advice was a huge help to me and really made it easier so thank you! Glad to hear that your scan went well also Steve! I was really nervous at first but once I got there I handled it well. Only waited about 10mins until I was called in and the scan was over in 5mins! I was so relieved and super happy that I'd managed to go :) I even feel a little more confident about my toilet worries knowing I needed the toilet so badly but nothing bad happened! It's annoying how much you worry over things that are no where near as bad or difficult than you imagine!

08-12-12, 16:30
really pleased it went well for you xx