View Full Version : My heart goes 'flip-flop'.

05-12-12, 13:31
Hello, I am completely new to this forum (in joining, I have been reading on it for months previous before today). I have a problem I would love an answer too. I know 'flipflop' feelings are normal in a sense but... my problem lies here...

I first started being a panicky child when I was about seven or eight (I think I know the route cause but don't feel comfortable enough to discuss with anyone, not even my doctor). I thought I'd suffered from panic attacks since that age but I now know how wrong I was. I began having them on my 21st birthday. Was out with friends to the movies and I suddenly felt scared, really scared. I ran to the bathroom where I didn't leave for a good half hour, my stomach was in cramps and well... we know what happens when you have that. Since then my panic attacks have increased. I began getting worse and it was when I was out shopping I kept feeling I couldn't breathe. Like suddenly my air would cut off. I managed to get home, convinced I was dying, but my mind told me to go to bed, go lie down. So I ran upstairs, at this point I felt like I couldn't feel any part of my body, everything was pins and needles. I lay down and over the space of an hour or two I felt better. My poor mum and sister were beyond worried, so was I. I discovered that if I felt a bout of "can't breathe" came on and I sang it faded. So I continued to do this until I went to my GP who told me it sounded like I have a mild anxiety. He offered me forms and the like to get advice from (something I haven't done) and parparonol (apologies if this is spelt incorrectly!) I've been on 2 a day, then my attacks returned so I was told to increase, then my other doctor told me to decrease as I was having dizziness (side effects)then on returning to my other doctor I was told to ignore that and increase them.

Anyway... last year I was less anxious (before anxiety was prescribed), I would go to bed and my heart would FLIP FLOP about ten times in a row, I'd jump up and take a breath then try sleep. It bothered me, but I was so scared that I didn't mention it to anybody. I went about two weeks later to my GP and she gave me meds for heartburn. This resulted in awful side effects (could not leave the bathroom for more than ten minutes). I came off them and felt fine. Now this year (before meds again) I got a new job. I worried about needing the bathroom during work (shop-floor) so I never ate. These flip flops happened numerous times during the day, and I'd take a breath and keep walking or go somewhere everyone could see me just incase I got a fright. I left my job and began college, where my anxiety developed further (although I felt I was beating it) and it got worse so I left college. I'm now indoors the majority of the time, and even the thought of going out to my aunt's scares me. I'm worried I'll need the toilet. I've always told myself it's nonsense, but I did once and went to my aunts where my stomach cramped a few weeks back and well....I was in the toilet for a good hour. So I've become worried about going back and eating, then needing to do THAT again :/

Anyway, I must stop going on. My problem is last night my flipflip started again. Now normally I'd be like *cough* but I don't know if they've got worse but when it happens I feel for a slight second that everything has stopped. My heart, my breathing, time. Even though I have had one that lasted more than a second before and I remained breathing throughout. I've also noticed that after it happens I need the toilet (I don't know if this is because it suddenly makes me anxious or not). I've tried cutting out bad foods, and vert rarely, if ever, drinking carbonated drinks like coke etc. But after it happened last night I ate a fizzy sweet and took a drink of my dad's Coke. I burped a little and my stomach made odd noises for a little while.

Do this sound like harmless gas after all? I keep telling myself it is, since it happened at work when I had not ate, but I had ate yesterday, although having gassy food (green veg). I know I am a silly billy and I know I have wrote a lot but could anybody help me? If it helps I tend to feel funny before it happens (not always), like I feel my upper body is on a very very slight vibrate.

Sorry this is so long, and thank you if you read and reply.

05-12-12, 16:59
It does sound like anxiety symptoms. Are you on any medication for anxiety?

05-12-12, 19:05
It does sound like anxiety symptoms. Are you on any medication for anxiety?

Yes, as said above, I am on 10mg of propranolol twice a day. I was then upped to two 10mg, twice a day. But I have returned back to one, twice a day. I know my doctor is there for me as it's their job but I always feel like an idiot walking in and asking for more to be done.

05-12-12, 19:18
Don't feel bad for going back to your doctor. Mine is really understanding and often comes out to see me as I get so anxious about going to the surgery. You may have ibs as it is quite common with anxiety.