View Full Version : MS anxiety

05-12-12, 14:39
Hi all,

To cut a long story short, I began suffering all sorts of sensory symptoms after a very stressful time in my life (death of Mum-in-law, becoming a Dad, promotion at work & difficult colleagues) in Summer 2011. I began worrying to the extent that I ended up convinced I had MS and despite seeing my GP and checked over by neurologist with the diagnosis of somatic anxiety, the symptoms and worry remained. My quality of life has improved after CBT for HA as a disorder but is still not back to how it was before.

The symptom that bothers me the most is a feeling of weakness on my left side. It is persistent, but waxes and wanes and I can still walk, run etc. The logical side of me says it must be anxiety causing impaired messages being sent to my brain, and that I need to stop worrying/stressing/getting frustrated at the feelings over a longer period in order to recover. The HA side of me worries about it being a neurological nasty such as MS. I am a 30yo male and have had sporadic episodes of anxiety since the age of 19yo but nothing like this.

I wanted to know if anyone else has had the "feeling" of weakness and REALLY would like to hear from anyone who has recovered from it to give me any tips/advice.

Can anxiety cause such odd feelings?!?!?!?!??!?!?!

Would appreciate any thoughts from people

Seasons greetings


05-12-12, 15:02
I am right handed, right footed and right everything else (except politically!)

My left side is noticeably (to me) weaker than my right. If I pick something which is heavier than I thought up with my left hand, I think I am going to drop it. My right leg is completely dominant, i always rest my weight on that side when standing etc, and my right leg muscles are bigger and stronger than my left. Sometimes my left arm tingles and aches a little for no apparent reason but I have had that for 20-odd years now so don't worry about it any more. In fact, I am sitting here now, my left upper arm is tingling but I think that's because I am holding my ipad up with the left hand so I can type with my right.

Please try not to worry. That's a bit rich coming from me but honestly, it all sounds normal xx

06-12-12, 08:51
I worry because it's there all the time and although it gets better and worse it never goes completely. I get the impression this is quite common for sufferers of anxiety disorders but worry that it is something neurological

06-12-12, 09:03
I am having similar things, my right arm and leg feel weaker but not all the time and i have vertigo and pressure in the left side of my head.

06-12-12, 10:27
does anyone here think that this can be solely due to anxiety?!

06-12-12, 10:38
I hope so. I have ahd allsorts of weird symptoms in the past and they were all nothing and eventually went away. I have been referred to an ent specialist. I have told my gp my brain tumour worries and he said he doesn't think it's that. I am convinced i have and it's going to be too late when they find it.

06-12-12, 10:44
My guess (I'm not a medical professional) is that anxiety can affect feelings of weakness.

06-12-12, 12:38
Even on one side of body?

06-12-12, 12:56
Have a browse through these Paul:


06-12-12, 13:21
thank you, I guess what you're trying to make clear is that specific symptoms are common, it is our anxiety and thoughts about them that drive them and make them worse

07-12-12, 11:05
As to affecting one side of the body, there are studies that demonstrate psychological paralysis of one part of the body.

07-12-12, 11:24
Hi. pAUL. You have been to your GP and seen a neurologist and been given the OK. You should believe them. They spend many, many years in study and very rarely make mistakes. All the symptoms you describe can be caused by anxiety. In fact there is hardly any bodily symptom that cannot be caused this way. When we are worried, or in a state of fear, the body responds accordingly. But do we accept this? Oh no! The old response clicks in and the 'oh my goodness' mode starts.
Rest assured; weakness, fatigue, utter tiredness, aches, pains; everything you would feel if you were really physically ill, can occur with the heightened response that one has with 'nerves'. But they are only symptoms and have no real base for worry. Upsetting; of course, but they can and will pass. You may need more reassurance so do not hesitate to go back to your GP. They are used to 'us' and will, no doubt, help you. Best wishes. joe.

08-12-12, 09:03
Thanks joe that helps. I think that's the key realising any symptom can be caused by anxiety