View Full Version : Please can someone reassure me

05-12-12, 15:26
In the roof of my mouth..slightly behind my top front teeth the skin there feels like i have eaten something hot and burnt it..i havent..ive had it nearly two weeks..its not painful just the skin is slightly rough..is this normal..anything to do with my anxiety..i keep thinkin 24/7 ive got mouth cancer...thankyou

05-12-12, 15:43
I'm not a doctor or a nurse so this isn't a diagnosis so please bare that in mind.

It sounds like you may have just torn the skin slightly on the top of your mouth whilst eating. Either that, or whilst brushing, you may have done the same thing with your toothbrush.

I'm not going to describe the symptoms of mouth cancer as I do not want other members to read into it, but what you are describing doesn't fit in with the "known" symptoms, so hopefully that will reassure you.

If you are really unable to relax those thoughts, I would book an appointment to see a nurse or doctor. I'm sure it is something very simple but if it would put your mind at rest it's worth doing.

05-12-12, 16:01
Thanx missybct..im sure its nothing to worry about but when you have health anxiety its always something horrific..xx

05-12-12, 16:17
Don't worry honey, I know how it feels!