View Full Version : psychiatry clinic

05-12-12, 16:14
got a letter today to go for an appointment on the 18th of dec at psychiatry clinic in the princess of wales hospital i.m worried they will keep me in will they what would they do there i go with my sister i dont really like talking about my problems last time it was at coity clinic went to last time the person was snotty and they said next time i couldnt bring my sister as i dont like going anywhere on my own thats why didnt go back last time can someone resure me everythink be fine thanks

05-12-12, 16:17
What is the appointment for Gem?

05-12-12, 16:24
to do with my depression and anxiety doesnt really say much in the letter its making me worrie :frown:

18-12-12, 17:48
been for my appointment up hospital it went ok the woman i saw tho she wasnt very nice she was abit snotty she said she going to give me a call tomorrow to speak to me and write to me in the new year to see what else to do with me today was just asking me questions about my life and whats getting me down i wasnt going to go but i went least that out the way now my sister came with me for support so happy i did it i.m proud i went and got through it :)

18-12-12, 18:04
Glad you went Gem and that it went ok, you should be proud of yourself for getting there. :flowers:

18-12-12, 18:34
Very well done Gem for getting yourself to the hospital, be proud of yourself for that.:yesyes:

19-12-12, 15:47
thanks all :)