View Full Version : how long do the side effects last??

05-12-12, 17:49
On my third week and the side effects are terrible. I'm taking Fluoxetine 20mg and having more anxiety then before taking them :(

05-12-12, 17:56
This is normal, you will have better days and bad days and gradually the better days will out way the bad, my anxiety was really bad at that stage and I did not start to feel really well until the five and half week mark, it is a roller coaster ride and i hit rock bottom a number of times, just try and take it a minute at a time, then an hour and day at a time, it is not easy but it is worth it in the end, just think of it as the meds working, I did not find this forum until I was at 4 weeks and I am so glad I did and realised that this does happen and that for most people they work and there is light at the end of the tunnel.


05-12-12, 18:06
Thank you so much. That does mean a lot.

05-12-12, 18:19
This forum really helped me through the really tough times, just knowing that I was not alone and that the medication did make your anxiety worse was such a comfort, I lost loads of weight because I just could not eat and sleeping was bad too, although that suddenly eased at five and half weeks, I kept waiting for the next blip but luckily apart from a few slightly off days I have been great. I am here for you if you want any help (not an expert) but will help if I canxx

05-12-12, 18:46
Janine is right. She helped me though the early weeks when side effects were dire. The side effects changed too over time, so being on here and asking questions helped me realise it was common and not just me.

I am at just over four weeks now. Things have settled. I had three good days last week and four not so good. This week I have had two good days and one poor so far. It is settling a bit from seven absolutely awful. My sleep was awful too but I have slept quite well now for ten days.

I've lost weight and am not eating a great deal (I have plenty of spare weight so that's OK!). I am making myself eat something at every meal time though - so breakfast I had a half sachet of oaty porridge and a small orange juice. Yesterday a banana. Sounds strange, but eating a little has helped me keep the nausea at bay in the morning.

05-12-12, 19:18
Good to hear that you are feeling a bit better Kayleigh, if you get worse again dont worry too much, four weeks to the five and half weeks was one of my worst times, hopefully you will be ok though.

Yes you are right to try and eat something at every meal even when it is tough, I found bananas would slip down, I lost a stone in 10 days, my husband was literally force feeding me. xx

07-12-12, 21:43
I'm now feeling paranoid, even a little insecure :( Has anyone felt this way and for how long. I'm on my third week. Also, I seem to get worse when night falls

12-12-12, 22:22
hi i found the side effects really bad, i had very bad anxiety, intrusive thoughts, constant worry and fear of everything and everthing, i thought it would never end, at week 5 and a half im feeling a lot better, i still worry and have anxiety but i can rationalise now and not get in to a state about things. Things will improve and do stick with it, i was so low with the side effects that it is hard to even put into words, it felt like i was looseing my mind but this site really helped and knowing others had been through the same and had come out the other side made me stick with it and im so glad i did as life is slowly getting better.

12-12-12, 22:26
Thats exactly how I felt at five and half weeks things suddenly started to improve and I could think straight again. I could have written your sentence "I was so low with side effects that it is hard to put into words" i had never felt like that ever and never want to feel like that again. Hope you continue to improve, it is slow but so so worth itxxxx

13-12-12, 07:20
Hi Janine & Tanyat,
Hope you dont mind me joining in, have just been prescribed fluoxetine, on day three now & feel terrible, anxious, nauseous, only slept for an hour last night, did they kick in immediately with you?Going to need some real support with these tablets.
Was on mirtazipane off & on for about 15 months before this, but they just stopped working, had been off them 6 days before starting fluoxetine, so possibly getting some withdrawl symptons as well. Any help from anyone would be appreciated

13-12-12, 09:34
You may be getting some withdrawal symptons but what you are describing is exactly how I was feeling after starting flux, it is going to be a roller coaster ride and side effects will change over the next few weeks, I am not going to lie and say it will be easy although everyone is different but there is help here for you, I hit rock bottom so many times in the first few weeks but once the good days outweight the bad and all of a sudden you really start to feel better it is all worth it. You have to concentrate on you when you are feeling bad, try and relax not easy I know and just take it a minute at a time. Finding the people on here at 4 weeks helped me so much when I felt so so bad.


13-12-12, 14:02
I'm on week 4 and yesterday was the first day I felt myself :D . Today I feel a little rough, but not as bad as some of my privous days. Janine is right, the people here have helped so much. The information you are from people who are on Flux and have dealt or dealing with the side effects. Message me when you'd like :)


13-12-12, 17:59
Thank you for the reply's. Am hoping I get some sleep tonight as I have a stinking headache at the moment & sure its lack of sleep. When did your sleep pattern start to return? I have never been a big sleeper, usually about 5-6 hours most but was enough for me. Also cant face food, the smell is making me queezy. Are there any foods which helped you get through the first few days. Would love a glass of wine but thats out the window for the time being. Anyone have a drink while on these, & did it effect you at all?
So good to talk to people who have gone through all this to help us along x

13-12-12, 19:05
It took a few weeks to get back into a sleep pattern, I kept waking up a lot and could not get back to sleep, I also suffered terribly with migraines which were really hard to get rid of, my GP did give me a few nights worth of sleeping tablets, they helped a bit but not much really, I lost a lot of weight because I could not eat, my husband bought allsorts of things to tempt me but I just did not fancy anything but was just getting weaker and weaker which made feel even worse, I found weetabix would slip down and bananas, I would also nibble a digestive biscuit but it was really hard, he also bought me lots of lucozade which I hate but every time I turned round there was a bottle, it did help with my sugar levels though and with my migraines so I did keep sipping it.

I have not had any alcohol since I have been on them so I can not help you with that one but I am hoping to have an odd glass over Christmas.xxx

13-12-12, 19:07
hi stormyok10 its a rollercoster ride for the first few weeks im just over my 3rd week and still not 100% the first 2 weeks were ruff sickness dizzy really really bad anxitey ,headace and to b honest im still not sleeping great this forum really helped me all i can say to you is hang in there today is probley been the best day since ive started taking themtommor mayby b ruff again im just takin 1 day at a time take care and hang in there fluox tkae a while to get in your system .xxx

13-12-12, 19:11
The food thing took me at least three weeks before I wanted to eat. Which was nice because I lost some weight :). I read on someone's forum that they had terrible side effects the next day after drinking. I personally have not attempted.

14-12-12, 13:52
Hi All,
Well managed 4hrs sleep last night, so can climb mountains now(ha ha).
When do all take your tablets? I am taking mine on a morning, but feel very light headed for a while afterwards, was maybe thinking it might be better taken at bed time.
Hope u are all getting better weather than here in the north east, its cold, dark & wet enough to make you depressed !!!!! Had myself a couple of glasses of non alcohlic wine last night, my hubby loves this as he has his own personnel chaeuffer. But just wait till I am over this, then it will be pay back time XX

14-12-12, 13:57
I've always taken mine in the morning as I feel that I've started the day by doing something that will help me to feel better. Xxxx

14-12-12, 15:02
I take mine at night. I get drozzy when I take them

14-12-12, 17:18
i take mine in morn soon as i wake

14-12-12, 19:13
I take mine in the morning as soon as I get up too

14-12-12, 21:38
I take mine around 11am and this is my 5th day today.

15-12-12, 09:58
Hi All,
well another bad sleep(2hrs). Today is the worst so far, heart pounding,terrible nausea, shakes, blurred vision. Have just taken Day 5 tablet, noticed Princess you are on same day as me, how are you coping? are you having any s/e, maybe we could encourage each other & compare notes on our progress.
Anyone taken Nytol to help with sleeping?
Off to work now but don't feel like it, hoping the distraction helps me calm down, speak to you all later. x

15-12-12, 11:26
Hi Stormyok, I had ok night compere to 4 last ones. I woke up only couple times but manage to sleep again. The morning wasn't to good and I had to take diazepam to calm me down:( I really don't like to feel that way. I am also very tired and have no motivation to do anything. I fell very shaky and can't eat at all. I lost 4kg already only in few days. I am glad I am off work becouse definitely I wouldn't to be able to do anything. I am also glad that my boyfriend is off today so I am not alone. Please let me know how was your day and how you feel.Anyone else have similar experience? Xxx

15-12-12, 13:53
Hi Princess,
Not coping with day to well at all. Def worst day. I have also been given diazepam to use if times get too tough(2ml), am trying to avoid taking them at the moment, but still have all the symptoms, they are just not letting up today, I have also lost 3k, no appetite at all, even smell of food makes me nauseous. How I would love to have a glass of wine to calm me down( someday soon maybe)
Are you able to go out or do you feel anxious when you are among people?
Going shopping for me is a nightmare, the lights set my heart racing, then I get panicky with the crowds.
Pleased you have your boyfriend with you as not good to be on your own as the demons start to come along
Hugs xx

15-12-12, 14:52
Hi Stormyok, I understand how you feel. I am scared to even go out for the last few weeks. I hope I will have my energy back soon becouse at the moment it is awful. I feel realy anxious today and shaky also I have terrible nousea as well. I only had half a toast with butter today and some water. I can't stand smell of cooking too. I just hope that this horrible s/e will go away soon....

---------- Post added at 14:52 ---------- Previous post was at 14:08 ----------

Ps... I would love glass of wine too.. In the past that always helped:) I hope We will feel better for Christmas ...

15-12-12, 18:57
On my third week and the side effects are terrible. I'm taking Fluoxetine 20mg and having more anxiety then before taking them :(

Hi there:) I hope you feel better now :)

15-12-12, 19:20
Hi Princess and Stormyok, I just wanted to say to both of you that I had all the symptons that you are having, sleep shakes and loss of appetite everything that you describe, at least you can both help each other out as you are at roughly the same stage, I wish I had found this forum at your stage as I did not find it until I was desperate at 4 weeks and Supersal and I were at the same stage and helped each other and it helped so much finding out that as horrible as these effects were that it was not just me and that they were normal.

I hope you both feel better soon, this is not easy and you will have bad times and when someone says it will take 4 to 6 weeks for these to really kick in it seems ages away but you will get there and it is worth it.

Just wanted to say there is help here if you need it.xxx

15-12-12, 20:38
Thank you very much Janine:) I really appreciate your support. I have really bad day today and finding this forum really helps:) thanks again and I hope you are feeling good:)

15-12-12, 22:27
I am good but I know that it is because of the medication and that it is working, you will get here too, when you have a really bad day you feel so low that it is hard to get through it, just take it minute by minute, hour by hour, on my bad days I could not settle anywhere and just kept moving from chair to sofa to bed and back, I literally rocked to get some relief for hours, usually after a really bad couple of days it would ease for a day or two, on the really bad days use your diazpam when you really need it especially at night when you need to try and get some sleep.

Hope you have a better day tomorrow. xx

16-12-12, 00:35
On week Four and I've had two good days:) Today was a little hard. Had some anxiety, but I was able to deal with it. Having a harder time tonight. But I know it'll pass. It's so hard in the beginning because it's all new. But then being on the meds for a bit, you know it's going to get better. Still having a hard time with the fear of driving

16-12-12, 08:35
Hi Princess, Janine & prozacers,
Managed about 4 hrs sleep (had to take a diazapam about 7ish last night i felt so awful)
tried to eat some food last night, had one spoonful then had to give up, ended up having a Horlicks, watered down.
Woke up this morning with terrible shakes & nausea, having piece of dry toast to see if it will settle me.
Are you feeling any better today princess? hope so
Janine i read your posts with great interest as when I am at my lowest, reading your success really spurs me on.
Was just wondering how everyone's partners are coping with your condition?. My hubby has been a rock, could not have got through without him, but I know he gets very frustrated sometimes because he can't understand when I tell him how I feel, He will always say its hard to tell I am suffering because I dont look ill.
Will check in later today as going to do a couple of hours at work to distract myself( am lucky we have our own business so can pick & choose when I want to work), usually go in every day for a while.
Speak soon xx

16-12-12, 11:56
Good Morning, I am really frustrated this morning. I slept quiet well, I wake up 2 times with panic but manage to fall a sleep again. Then I wake up around 8am and first time in 2 weeks I thought that accualy I feel good. But it only lasted about an hour and now I feel rally bad again:( I am shaking and as days before have no energy at all:( is it normal? I am really worry that I will never be myself again:( I am really scared now:( I hope the rest if the day will be better. You are very lucky with your job Stormy. I am off work since 4/12. I feel like after so many days off I should have more energy but I am really weak:( if I ever new that I will feel like this I would go to the doctors months ago to get some pills:( my boyfriend is very supportive and helping me a lot but he is going back to work tomorrow so I will be at home alone again:( 7th day today... I hope you have a better day :)

16-12-12, 12:24
Hey Princess2206, my first few weeks were horrendous. I was having all the same systoms and dered when my husband had to work. I felt so alone. It does get better. I'm finding week four as been a lot better :). There were days I would just cry all day because I thought I was going crazy. I'm still suffering with a bit of anxiety. You can do it girl! Take it little by little. I found walking helped me a lot. You have to try and keep busy. I hope things are better

16-12-12, 13:37
Thank you Tanyat:) i am glad you feel better in week4. Just wonder if you feel any improvment in week 2?:) i am tired of feeling terrible all the time.

16-12-12, 20:01
Tanya I had days when I just cried all day too, don't worry about the driving as you feel better your confindence will come back.

Princess you will get better I sat for days on the sofa because I did not have the energy or inclination to do anything else, I litererally was shaking all day and all I wanted to do is get through to bedtime and be so tired and take something to try and get some sleep to get some relief, I thought I was never going to get better but I did and so will you. You will have some better days but don't beat yourself up if you then have a few bad days eventually the good will outweigh the bad. Hang in therexxx
Stormyok my husband was my rock too and I would not have got through it without him, my sons and their girlfriends too were great and so supportive and they have now all seen me at my worst and rock bottom. I was lucky with work as I could go in late or leave early or work from home and that helped take any pressure off, if I felt up to it I would go in as my doctor said it would help distract me and also being with people helped so he wanted me to go in if I could but there were days when I couldnt.

All three of you will get better, stick with it, it is worth it!!!xxx

17-12-12, 07:10
Hi All,
Was wondering does anyone got blurred vision?, sometimes even with my reading glasses on things are blury, not my eyes because just had them tested last month.
Yesterday had my 3 grandchildren round to see me, got lots of kisses & cuddles "to make me better". How I wish I could do things with them but just not up to it, but hoping some day it will happen. xx

17-12-12, 09:38
I do experience vision problems as well. But I think it maybe something to do with our brain just can't concentrate properly on reading/ watching tv etc.

---------- Post added at 09:38 ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 ----------

I do experience vision problems as well. But I think it maybe something to do with our brain just can't concentrate properly on reading/ watching tv etc.

I am sure you will be able to enjoy your life 100% soon. :) hugs xxx

17-12-12, 09:56
Hi, just wanted to say that most side effects wear off by week 6 both in my experience and what I've read here. I found weeks 4-5 the hardest so don't worry if that happens to you as I think it is quite common. Now at week 8 I've finally realised that I need to take things hour by hour in order to feel better. I still have symptoms but the lows are higher now and more manageable. Try not to rush things, just set yourself one goal each day, congratulate yourself on what you achieve and ignore what you don't. I never believed it when I started on the medication but you WILL get better. Good luck. Xxxxxxx

17-12-12, 14:59
5-6 weeks sounds like so far away:( I hope I will be lucky and see improvement quicker as I am really tired. Hi are you feeling Tanyat ?

17-12-12, 17:15
It does seem a long way away and the days go so slowly when you are feeling bad, Snoopy is right though you will feel better, one of my worst weeks was 4 to 5 to it was very tough but I got through it and then really turned a corner. Just look after yourselves and just take it a small chunk at a time. You will get better xxx

17-12-12, 18:43
Hi All,
yes I agree with you Princess, 5-6 weeks seems an age away, just hoping we see little snippets of of an upturn to keep us going through this rough patch. Hope you have a good night & speak to you later.xx
Tanyat hope you are still having good days, will be watching with interest. xx

18-12-12, 02:44
Today seemed a little hard, but nothing compared to the first few weeks. I find it harder when my husband goes to work and I have to care for my baby. I cannot emphasis how much better I'm feeling. Keep at it. It does get easier :) xxx

18-12-12, 10:05
Hi all, I know what you are going through. Please see my thread "four weeks on Prozac and feel like giving up." It is the hardest thing I have ever done and I would have days and night where every second was hell. I found reading axnxiety books helped and I played games on my phone and did allI can to pass the time. With each day I felt better. But I had blips. You will get through it though. The only advice I can give is just keep going, congratulate yourself for each hour you get through. It took me around three months to get better, but I was on too low a dose! I feel much more balanced now. I had my first drink in ages on sat, but felt depressed the next day, so I would not recommend! My doc say drink is only good when you are happy and that is so true! Anyway I hope you feel better soon. This website, in particular Janine, helped me get through the darkest days and made me feel normal xxxxx

18-12-12, 11:21
Hi Supersal,
Am having a very, very rough day, am on day 8, did you find about this time it seemed worse than ever, did you get a really fast pounding heart. so many questions i need answered, wish it was 3 weeks time xx

---------- Post added at 11:21 ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 ----------

Hi Supersal<
Just started to read your thread & noticed you had been on fluox before. This is my second time on it, I started on it 2yrs ago when I first had my panic attacks,stayed on for about 2 months & stopped because wasn't sure it was working but had very little if any s/e. This time it is horrendous, wonder why same tablet is so different second time around? xx

18-12-12, 12:12
Hi Stormy, I was also on fluoxetine before with far less SEs. This time round my first week was horrendous. I could barely move from the couch and was basically babysat by my mum every day. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, was having full on panic attacks, horrible thoughts and felt that it would never end. By 3 weeks I was having good evenings and good hours during the day. At 5 weeks I felt really spaced out and dizzy but nothing was as bad as that first week. You have got through the worst and nothing will ever be as bad as that. I'm now on week 8 and am thinking about going back to work and actually looking forward to Christmas. I never, ever thought I'd be here even a couple of weeks ago. Every day that went past when I didn't feel 'better' I thought that the tablets weren't working. What made a difference was when I was able to stop my mind racing and concentrate on what I'd do to help myself get through the next HOUR and not how long had passed or how long until I was completely better. What you're going through, horrible as it is, is completely normal. Your body is adjusting and your brain needs time to calm and relax again. I promise you that things will improve and in just a few weeks you will be so glad that you stuck things out. Good luck and I hope you're smiling on Christmas day. Xxxxx

18-12-12, 14:19
Thank you snoopy for that reassurance, the more success stories we get the more we are encouraged to continue. From my first experience with fluox I thought this was going to be a walk in the park( how wrong I was). How long before your sleeping pattern started to come back? did you take anything to help?I wasn't sleeping to well before I went on these meds but now it's virtually non existent.
I am normally an active person, work, gym, gardening but now just a zombie, how long before you felt you got some energy back? sorry for all the questions, but aam on an all time low today xx

18-12-12, 14:42
Stormyok you will have days like this but you will get through them, you do feel so low and like you are never going to get better, I could have written Snoopy's post I was exactly like that and can relate to everything she has said, it is not easy, just try and tell yourself that it is the medication working that is why it is making you feel like this, I was always rushing about like you with work, house and garden etc but I just had to accept the fact that all I could do was sit on the sofa, it lasted a few weeks on an off and I had real trouble sleeping and eating but it will get easier, Supersal helped me just as much as I helped her, it is just knowing it is not just you and that it is normal to feel like this and that you are not the only one going through it, we are here for you, I know how you are feeling just take it in small steps, When I was really bad I did have some sleeping pills from he doctor for a few days and after that I did buy some Nytol one a night which helped a bit and I still take one of those if my mind is racing and I cannot relax when I get to bed. Just logging onto here for a little while in the morning helped too after my husband had gone to work. We will get you through it and in a few weeks you will be helping others.

Take carexxxx

18-12-12, 14:46
Ask away :-) from week 2 I was sleeping 11 - 4am and this extended so by about week 6 I was sleeping 11 - 6.30am. This is a full nights sleep for me. I am also taking propanalol (beta blockers) to help with physical side effects such as racing heart etc. I still have flippy tummy and tight throat but most other SEs settled down after week 6. I know this seems a long way off to you at the moment but the improvements are gradual. It will never be as bad as the first week. I'm still having blips but I feel more in control. Be kind to yourself and don't put too much pressure on yourself to be better NOW. In my experience, the hardest times are those where I made the most progress. You get through it and each time you do it helps a little more to break the cycle of fear. I'm not there yet but I believe that we WILL all be ok. Hope your day picks up. Think about what you can do in the next hour to get through. Then plan the next hour. Big hugs. Xxxxxx

18-12-12, 15:19
Awwthank you so much, I feel i have met some true friends on here already xxx

18-12-12, 17:17
I would not have got through all this without all the people who helped me on here. It just helps so much and even though I am feeling so much better I know I am treading a very thin line and it is because of the medications I am on the fluxotiene and the Propanolol. I have continued to come on here to help people through it as I am so grateful. xxx

18-12-12, 21:05
Hey Janine, on week five and overall a lot better. Drove again today, a short drive. I cannot seem to get a restful sleep. I've been dreaming like crazy, so vived. Today I feeling kind of crappy. I've also been experiencing hot flashes, I mean all of a sudden I'm about to colaspe because of heat. I'm only in my thirtys so I don't think it's menopause.

Thanks for your support Janine :) xxx

18-12-12, 22:53
I developed Hot Flushes about four and half weeks and they were really horrible, I would wake up after an hour or so and they would really frighten me, they would also come on at work and I had to take a diazapam to ease them, I rang the GP and got an emergency appointment as I felt so bad, he upped my propanolol (beta blocker) from 80mg to 160mg and after a couple of days they eased off and I have only had one really bad one since. It is a horrible feeling but I did not have them until about the stage you are and as they went it was when I really started to feel better overall so hopefully it will be the same for you. My GP said it was not the menopause as I went through that a couple of years ago with no problems.

Good that you managed a drive, you will gradually get your confidence back, It really messed my sleep up, it again will gradually improve.

You are on the way to getting better, just think how you were a couple of weeks ago.


19-12-12, 02:24
My meds are working. Unfortunately my underlying stresses are still there so I am far from being well. The panic attacks still happen but I can feel the meds kicking in so I cope with them better. I just want things to be OK and until they are life is very very difficult indeed.

19-12-12, 17:33
Hi Kayleigh,
How long have you been on the meds? I am on day 9 & having a really rough ride, the days seem so long when you are not well,& nights even longer when you can't sleep xx

20-12-12, 07:25
Morning all,
Well only managed 2hrs sleep(even with tablets) feeling lower than a snakes belly.
Janine when you said you hit "rock bottom" how did you feel, think I could be there now, just want to go away & hide, how did you snap out of it? This has got to be the worst feeling in the world.Have now developed head pains, like someone has tied a vice tight around it. Some Help Please. xx

20-12-12, 18:29
When I hit rock bottom I could not settle anywhere, my legs felt like jelly, I would go from one of our sofa's to the other and the only relief I got was by rocking on all fours, all I was trying to do was get through the day until I could get to bedtime and would try and keep awake as long as possible before taking a sleeping tablet to try and get through some of the night, I could not eat, had really bad migraines, I was depressed even though that is not normal for me and on better days I would just watch television, I don't know how i snapped out of it it just happened gradually and I would have a couple of better days so when I hit a bad patch again I knew that i could feel better, It is hard I really feel for you and Princess as i can remember it all so vividly, if you have diazapam take it, I wish I had used it more and helped me through it.

I have been at work all day so sorry I have not replied to you before, hopefully you are feeling a bit better, I am out for a couple of hours now and then home if you want to chat, please hang in there you will get better even though it does not feel like that at the moment.

You can pm me if you want xxxx

21-12-12, 14:48
Hi Janine,
Thankyou for the reply, when you feel so bad you feel so alone, just a little reassurance that it will pass eventually, helps.
The hardest bit is watching everyone getting exited for Christmas & you feel crap,cant sleep, cant eat, cant concentrate on anything. URRG this anxiety is pants xxx

21-12-12, 17:56
It helped me knowing that it was not just me and sometimes just kept reading the success stories which just made me feel like there was hope, I think it is especially hard for you because it is Christmas and that is adding pressure. I coudn't eat or concentrate on anything either but it will all gradually come back.


22-12-12, 07:37
Hi Janine & tanyat.
Well another shocker sleep, can't stop the shakes this morning. Janine did you find your symptoms changed from day to day? last two days have developed terrible headache on left hand side, feels like something loose in there, also started to break out in sweats for no reason. surely it cant still be side effects,do you think it might be my anxiety running wild?
Tanyat how are you feeling now, are things improving for you? what week you on now?
Are you finding it hard to stay positive?
How did you both stay positive, what little tricks did you have xx

22-12-12, 12:08
Hi stormy, am now on 6 months with fluox. i can identify with all your side effects and sympathise as I had them too. Distraction worked for me to an extent, relaxation was good (I got some from NHS website), try to avoid caffeine this made me way more anxious. The hot falshes i had were alarming but try to tell yourself they are only side effects. The side effects settled down for me between weeks 5-6. I think my headaches were tension related due to the rise in my anxiety. Walks and fresh air are good too. Hope this helps! 6 months on I am doing fine and there is light at the end of the tunnel- honest. PM me if you want. xxxxx

22-12-12, 13:51
Hi Sunshine,
Am only on day 12 so a long way to go,i do try & distract but very hard when you are feeling crap. Its Very hard when everyone is so looking forward to xmas, & you can't build up any enthusiasm. Also not sleeping well,only getting about 2hrs a night xx

22-12-12, 14:27
Hi Stormy, No I did fid it difficult to do anything to distract me because like you I was feeling so bad, on better days I did manage to crawl into work for a while but shouldn't have really.

the Hot flashes are a side effect, I did not develop them until about 4 weeks but they were horrific, I did have to take a diazapan a couple of afternoons as they were continuous, the side effects do change day by day so don't worry this is normal unfortunately, like Sunshine says they suddenly start to subside about 5 and half weeks, I know this seems like a long way away but you will get there.

The only way I could distract was with the TV on better days, on bad days it was just literally trying to get through the day hour by hour until bedtime to get s little bit respite even if it was just for a couple of hours. I did get fed up with daytime television but did not have any inclination to do anything else.

You will have some better days inbetween the bad,

thinking of you xxx

22-12-12, 23:28
Hey Stormy, hope you are feeling a little better. I'm going onto 6 weeks. It had been hard. I'm blessed I found this site because my doctor failed to mention that I'd have more anxiety on this pills then what I was already experiencing. I'm on Clorazepam. Not sure if you can get them there. I take them every night. It helps me deal with the side effects. They are not pills that you can take all the time, only temporary. I still feel some side effects, but nothing compared to the ones the first few weeks on.

I really think you need to talk to your doctor about something you can take each night that will help with the side effects and help you sleep. You need to get more sleep. And to help with the side effects during the day, keep as busy as possible. I hope you start to feel somewhat better soon. Oh, and I prayed. God give me so much strength :)

23-12-12, 14:05
Hi Tanyat,
Yes, the doc gave me Clorazapam to help with sleep, but would only give me 7 days supply, Last night got 6 hours sleep, could not believe it , not slept that long for weeks,
really makes such a difference to the day when you have slept xx

23-12-12, 14:26
It certainly does, you can just cope a little bit better when you have managed to sleep also it means that you are not so tired that you want to nap in the day because i found if I did that it would make the nights even worse.


23-12-12, 21:42
Janine, I'm going onto six weeks and still having some anxiety. I also find my mind drifting away. I'm on 20mg and I was wondering what I'm experiencing is normal or maybe I need to increase my dose

23-12-12, 22:39
I am not an expert but I would have thought as you are only just coming through the side effects I would not think you need an increase, Piano and Supersal were both only on 10mg and then went up to the normal dose of 20mg which is what you are already on and that is what I am on, I would personally give it a bit longer at least 8 weeks and see how you are feeling then, you have some anxiety but it is not as bad as it was and thats an improvement. If you increase you will probably have side effects again.

Although I started to turn a corner at five and half I was still gettin some anxiety at six weeks plus but no where near as bad as before. I think Christmas is putting us under extra pressure too.

I am here for you if you need to chat, try not to worry too much. xxxx

24-12-12, 10:20
Hi Janine,
Was wondering did you still get lots of light headedness, sometimes I feel as if am going to fall over, then that sets the anxiety away, also the jelly legs. Did you get any ok days after 2 weeks or did it take longer to get any. Am longing for some full ok days & not just the odd half hour

Hope all goes well for your Xmas Day with you mother, just give her a couple of sherries then she will enjoy it am sure

Have a great Xmas & thanks for all you support, couldn't get through it without you

---------- Post added at 10:20 ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 ----------

Hi Tanyat,
How are you doing today, well I am coming to the end of the terrible two's( two weeks on fluox). it has been alot worse than week one, hope three improves. how were you feeling at this point? did you see any improvement or did it take longer?

Have a great Xmas & speak soon xxx

24-12-12, 10:53
Hi Janine/ Tanya, just have similar questions to Stormy. It is my 15th day today and I have to say is horrible. I took diazepam this morning about 1h ago but it dosn't work! It is only 2mg so maybe I should take 2? Today is one if the worst days ever and I hoped that my days will improve day by day. Is it normal ? I am really in tears this morning as is Christmas Eve and I hoped to be able to do a little tidy up at home before tomorrow but I feel very very bad:( I can't calm down at all and feel really panicky:(

24-12-12, 13:31
Hi Princess,
Hang on in there, I am feeling exactly the same, I think its the pressure of xmas just getting to us. I have got terrible chest pains, nausea,light head & shaky, its horrid but hoping it will pass. Like you I have found week 2 worse than week one, hoping its just us adjusting to tablets, we were told it was a roller coaster, but never thought it would be this bad, we dont deserve to have to go through this.
Keep in touch with me & remember you are not alone in this, we WILL get through this together xxx

24-12-12, 14:51
Big Hugs to you both, I know how desperate you are feeling and how absolutely awful it is so my heart goes out to you,

You will have some better days soon, I found that I would have a better few hours first, the thing is these effects seem to change during the day as you know. The Jelly legs were one of my worst symptons, they were my first sympton that I had of anxiety before I started on the Flux and they were the last sympton to completely go, obviously some days were worse than others.

As far as Diazapan is concerned 2mg didn't touch me, I was given 5mg by the hospital and could take them up to 3 times a day, if you want to really calm and try and get some things done you could try 2 of yours which will still only be 4mg.

It is hard but try and tell yourselves that it is the tablets working, I did not find this website until I was at 4 weeks so I had no idea why I was feeling so bad.

YOU wil get through it both of you and Tanya you will too.


24-12-12, 16:38
Thank you Stormy and Janine. :hugs: I hope you All have wonderful Christmas:) I am still feeling very low today but hope for better evening:) I just have to be more patient. I hope you all ok:)

---------- Post added at 16:38 ---------- Previous post was at 16:37 ----------

I wish I can have a glass of wine....

24-12-12, 16:44
Hope you have a better evening too, I started on my tablets at beginning of September and had a white wine spritzer on Thursday on my staff night out, it was the first time since I had been on them that I had had a drink, I did not have any affects so am hoping to have a glass tonight and with my Christmas dinner tomorrow.

24-12-12, 21:11
Hey Stormy, to be honest I had a very hard third week. I was tired and had enough of all the side effects. But on week four things started to feel somewhat better. Not all day, but more hours of the day that were better. Today I went to see my doctor and he increased my dose to 30 mg. I'm terrified and refuse to up my dose tonight. I'll wait until tomorrow night. I hope you enjoy Christmas with your grandkids :) And remember the side effects will pass.

Merry Christmas ladies and God bless :)

24-12-12, 21:41
Hi Tanya, don't worry about the increase, start when you are ready and remember we are here for you.

Merry Christmas to you all and lets hope we all have a stress free day tomorrow.


25-12-12, 13:00
I hope everyone has relaxing day today:) and Santa was good for you:) I had better days to be honest but I think I am getting very inpatient as this is 3ed week and I don't see any improvement :( I feel really down and tired of constant anxiety and feeling like zombie :( I struggle to take shower some days becouse I feel so weak:( is anyone else felt like this in week 3? I am still struggle to go out and I just want to seat on the sofa all day or sleep and have no energy at all. I am a little bit worried that I should feel a bit better by now:(

25-12-12, 13:15
No Princess unfortunately this is normal, I struggled to have a shower some days and that is not like me, evrything was a struggle and I spent hours on the sofa, you will have some better times soon I promise, it is so hard to believe that you can feel this bad and then feel better but you will.

Hang in there, next Christmas will be so different. xxx

25-12-12, 14:45
Thank You Janine. I hope I will have a better days soon. At the moment I feel really hopeless :( I so want to be myself again:( I just want to go back to work and enjoy my privet life again. I don't even understand why it happened to me:( I feel very depressed today.

25-12-12, 15:39
Hi Princess i feel the same, think xmas is a horrid time to be ill, when you see others enjoying themselves & you want to but you cant. Today i am getting terrible heart palpitations on & off all the time, cant stop checking my heart rate. Anyone else get that on week 3, if so how long did they go on?
What symptoms are you getting Princess? am asking because I am only one day behind you on tablets & wondering if we get the same things, am very panicky today xxx

25-12-12, 15:55
I feel really tired and dizzy and I have no energy at all:( I am very anxious and I have that horrible fear inside me:( I am not sure if this is only Fluox side effects becouse before Fluox I felt very bad too:( I have also heart palpitations and am sweating a lot. I find difficult sometimes even to go to bathroom becouse I feel so weak :(

25-12-12, 17:07
the only one I dont have is tired, I wish I did then maybe could sleep on a night, I also get sweaty armpits(how revolting). I also had some of these symptoms before taking fluox, so feel the same as you, not sure if its all the tablets. xxx

26-12-12, 01:57
Hey landies, I've increased my Fluox to 30 mg tonight :( When I was on week three I also had no energy to shower sometimes. The sweats are crazy, still having those. My panic attacks stopped. But the anxiety feeling still remains and this is why I was asked to up my meds. I pray I do not have to go through all those side effects again. I hope you guys start to feel better soon.

Once again, thanks Janine for all your positive and care responses. xxxx

26-12-12, 10:17
Hi Tanya, Good luck on your increase, you will get through it.

Stormy and Princess hope you are feeling a bit better today and managed to have a decent evening last night.

I had a little bit of anxiety when I woke in the so do not know whether it is because I had a glass of wine yesterday or my migraine, but it could have just been the stress of yesterday although I had a lovely day it was hard because it was the first Christmas without my Dad being here and i know we were all putting on a brave face.

26-12-12, 11:57
Good Morning Janine, it must be difficult for you just now :( but I am happy you enjoy Christmas Day:) I had few relaxing hours last night and a half glass of champagne but feeling very bad this morning:( it looks like week 3 is the worse so far especially mornings and afternoon :( I am terrified tablets will never work which make me feel even worse:(

26-12-12, 12:03
Princess, they will work, it is good that you managed to have a few relaxing hours, I know you won't believe me because you are feeling so bad but in two and half to 3 weeks you will be so much better, I know it seems like an age away and time goes so slowly when you are feeling like this but you will get there. Mornings were really bad for me I just did not want to get out of bed.

Yes it is difficult but it was hard seeing him suffer for so long and he is at peace now.


26-12-12, 12:55
Hi Princess & Janine,
That is exactly how I feel princess, having a shocker of a day, they seem to be getting more intense as days go on, terrible shakes, nausea beyond belief dizzy & now breaking out in horrendous sweats. Was the same as you last night Princess, only had small glass of champers, just not in the right frame of mind, also was going to have a sleeping tablet as night before only got 2 hrs. Did get about 5 hrs sleep but havn't felt the benefit as have felt bad since I woke up.
Janine I know how you must have felt on Xmas day, I lost my mam year gone oct & Christmas will always be a hard time. It feels like a piece of the jigsaw is always missing.
Have got the grandchildren coming around this afternoon, hope I am feeling better than I am now xx

26-12-12, 13:11
Stormy the sweats are horrible but they will eventually fade, hope you feel better later and can enjoy your grandchildren, Sorry to hear about your mum too it is like you say a piece of the jigsaw is missing.

Your sleep will also gradually improve as the tablets start to work.


26-12-12, 14:05
Hey ladies, I cannot believe by increasing my meds by 10mg would bring me back to this. Last night I woke up with such panic and today I'm a complete write off. Feeling so sick, do not want to eat again :( I'm so blessed my husband is home for holidays. But sad that I'm not feeling good to do anything with my family

26-12-12, 14:07
Tanya sorry you have had effects so quickly it is amazing what these tablets do, hopefully they will not last too long, it is probably a good thing to increase whilst your husband is around to help you. Big Hugs xxx

26-12-12, 14:52
Hi Tanyat,
sorry you are having a bit of a rough ride on the increase, maybe it will settle in a couple of days, surely it cant be the same as when you first start meds as you already have some in you system. Thinking of you, keep posting & let us know how its going xxx

27-12-12, 01:41
Question?? Does anyone feel more anxiety during the evening?? Or night?

27-12-12, 08:16
Hi Tanyat,
I seem to relax more on an evening,most of the time.
Mornings are a nightmare for me, hate them, cant seem to concentrate on anything, or settle down,
When is your worst time? How long have you been on meds now? xx

27-12-12, 10:18
Yes Tanya, I had some dreadful evenings, it seems like the symptons came in waves most days and some parts of the days were worse than others but some days i could not settle with the restlessness all day.


28-12-12, 21:01
Hi Tanyat. I hope you feel better today. This is my 18th day and i mornings and afternoons are the worst, however i have bad evenings and nights too. What week are uou on medication? hugs

29-12-12, 00:37
Just wondering has any had violent thoughts, and if so has that pass with time?? I'm such a passive person. Never thinking violent thoughts and I know find myself thinking some stupid things. I'm a little concerned and hope this does not continue

29-12-12, 08:27
Hi Tanyet,
Am sure it will be the increase in your tablets that is messing with your mind, hopefully it will settle down in the next few days. Take care & keep in touch, we all need each other for support xx

29-12-12, 13:08
Hi Tanyat , yes it must be tablets playing with your mind. I experience derealization which is scary sometimes as it feels like I totally loosing my mind. I am very calm person too but since my anxiety/ depression and now Fluox I feel really angry inside without any reason. I hope it will go away soon. Is anyone else experience derealization ?

30-12-12, 00:17
I totally can relate. It's a scary feeling. I'm on week seven, but my doses have been changed. I was on 10mg for the first week, then 20mg for four weeks and now 30mg for one week. I'm so mentally tired. I also cannot get myself to drive. Not understanding this fear, it's destroying my life. I think also my evening are rough because that is when I take my meds.

I hope you ladies start feel better soon. We will get through this. All this will be behind us :) xxxx

31-12-12, 14:34
Hi Tanya, I hope you are feeling good today:) it is possible that you feel bad in the evening becouse of tablets. I take mine around 11am and my afternoons are the worst. Feeling very tired and anxious . It is getting better around 7pm.