View Full Version : Norovirus and other worries!

05-12-12, 18:07
I hadn't even thought of this virus however my eer so considerate mother decided to bring it up mentioning it had been in the media etc.
I work in a reception class in a primary school, in close contact with 4 year olds on a daily basis.
I'm so worried I will catch it and the reason its even worse at the moment is that I have my third attempt at a driving test on Monday and I don't want to miss this as the waiting list is very long after and I will lose my money. I just feel convinced that knowing my luck I will be ill for monday or for christmas which also worries me every year as I hate hate hate being ill on christmas day.
Any words of reassurance?

06-12-12, 20:45
Hey hun. My fear of catching a sickness bug has increased tenfold since i stared working in a school (i'm the librarian in a primary school) and on a friday i go down to the nursery and reception classes so tend to convince myself i'm going to catch something in time for the weekend (though touch wood i haven't yet) my fear of being sick is so strong that anytime i feel even slightly nauseous i get really panicky so i really know where you are coming from.

The best thing to do is make sure your hygiene is excellent and almost say to yourself "if i get ill so be it, i can handle it as i can handle anything". I tell myself this a lot along with "i am safe".

I very much doubt you will be ill for Monday (and good luck by the way!), just take care of yourself and try to keep as calm as possible. Maybe try some meditation?

06-12-12, 20:48
have you tried Bach Rescue remedy before your driving tests? I hope it goes well for you this time. x