View Full Version : im in a flap!!

05-12-12, 18:37
sorry this is tmi...
i went to the loo this afternoon for #2 and when i wiped, the tissue had a little bit of fresh bright red blood on it amoungst mucas? and the same happend this evening too. iv recently had a cold, and hoping the mucas is something to do with that, as im not one for blowing my nose.
but im now terrifying myself about this....
has anyone else had anything similar for reassurance?

05-12-12, 19:17
Sounds like piles,,go to docs and they will reassure you :-)

05-12-12, 19:37
If it is bright red blood I wouldn't be worried, like shez22 said it sounds like piles.

05-12-12, 19:43
i get that. Bright red blood is a good sign its nothing serious. Sounds like you have a small rip. Its when the blood is very very dark almost black that you want to be concerned. You are fine :) xxxxxxx

05-12-12, 20:50
Omg heather1 I have had the same problem, today, day was going ok anxiety wise until I had the same occurance as you bright blood on the toilet tissue I have been panicling all day over this I was doing so well today this was a set back, so am I to understand bright blood is a sign it can be a tear or a pile I will go to gp tommorw and get it checked

05-12-12, 21:07
Yes it is most likely to be a pile or an anal fissure (slight tear)

05-12-12, 21:09
Yes, bright blood on wiping is ok - the sign of a temporary (but harmless) injury down there, such as piles or a small tear (mostly caused by constipation/straining to pass stools). Try to increase your fibre for a while to make it easier to pass stools, so that you can heal up :)

05-12-12, 21:57
So this is nothing to worry about then, same as heather1, this put me im a terri ble flap all day thank you so much just when things were going so well for me as well then this happens I could not believe this happened to me knocked me for 6 picking myself up and trying to stay positive

---------- Post added at 21:57 ---------- Previous post was at 21:18 ----------

Thanks for lnfo everbody we all know it is great to get reassurance from people who have ben there
so nothing to be anxious about then cheers for advice

05-12-12, 22:52
:)thank god! iv been in a state all afternoon!! and today is my bday lol only 24. sooo glad for the reasurrance

05-12-12, 22:59
A bit late in the day but Happy Birthday and relax now :) :flowers:

06-12-12, 02:58
Glad you raised this TMI issue. I get these also all the time and panic but then i remeber that it is my chronic constipation (above from set backs when i am at toilets non stop with diarhea)
It helps if you drink glass of cold water every morning before brekfast - and more water durin the day above from other fluids...but overall :# 2 is my big problem